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Everything posted by HoldenBall

  1. , no problem mate, this is why I enjoyed the gas score so I wasn't such a moody ****
  2. What other positives can I take from night apart from the sags losing??
  3. That really has made my night, the sags losing to a team like Accrington Stanley at home, conceding in the last minute Shame I can't enjoy it more
  4. if Rovers now score I will be in consolable
  5. Adam Baker can't criticise the players because he works for the club, but agreed he's boring and tedious, suggesting it was a master class from Brentford even though all 3 of their goals have come from our mistakes
  6. I wonder what its like to support a football club with a decent team?
  7. Players fighting.. Shame they can't fight when it matters
  8. We need a defensive coach, whats shaun taylor doing these days
  9. crewe and Carlisle beat mk dons We don't..
  10. SC said that he will only play youngsters if they have the right ability and the right mentality Clearly SC agrees sees what I see , and he watches him week in week out
  11. Reid yes, Bryan apart from the rovers goal has hardly set the world alite
  12. Adam Baker trying to be as polite as professional as he can, quite annoying really
  13. what do the defence do in the week when training?? Honestly..
  14. character, personality yes 100% Performances on the pitch? Debatable
  15. Brentford seem to be getting all the ricochets
  16. Brentford defend well when they need to We don't
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