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Major Isewater

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Everything posted by Major Isewater

  1. i i saw the team sheet i was concerned that we seemed to be crap,sorry that we seemed unbalanced and just wanted to throw the big lads in as a damage restriction exercise.
  2. I don't see too much improvement in results under Cotterill even if he does give a jolly good interview.
  3. Sorry Pete but we should be expecting to pick up points where it's not expected,we are balls deep ,to quote one of our learned friends.
  4. i think the Gas /Newport subs are coming up to the surface at the Mammorial .
  5. A defence needs to be settled and drilled in to perfection. Ours is not settled and i think needs a lot more time on the training ground to get proficient.
  6. you go right ahead ,don't let the big boys bully you; Noggers play nicely or we'll ask your mummy to take you home.
  7. wtf was our left back doing in their penalty area ? defenders stay in the defending areal and don't go playing Roy of the Rovers in the opposition 18 yd box ;
  8. well thank you very much,i join the thread a few minutes late and all the fun is over .
  9. Nogbad is forcing Baldock out . When he's missing tons of one on ones for another club it Will be Nogger's fault . Don't say you have n't been "warmed"
  10. "Bristol City trying to destroy good players since 1894 "and largely succeding !
  11. Headline in The Post "Bristol City's Sam Baldock aiming to be more clinical" But missed. Only joking !
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