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Posts posted by inpeace

  1. You do keep banging on about the Ayling incident, but at one of our corners Smith should clearly have been awarded a penalty.  Maybe the ref was evening things up or maybe he just wasn't very good.  If the two teams had decided to start niggling against each other I have no confidence that the ref would have been able to control it.


    Agree - you should have had a penalty too. He didn't have a great day. He has a reputation for dishing out cards (read somewhere he has the highest rate of dishing out cards as a Prem official) so perhaps he was trying to resist giving in to the occasion.


    Anyway, I've enjoyed my brief time here. Good luck for the rest of the season, to be honest you won't need it think you've got this near enough nailed on....us, Swindon and Preston just aren't as consistent. 

  2. Why because he doesn't have x-ray vision? Think about it, look at the angle Ayling is at and where the referee would be standing, he would have seen Ayling go full length but have no idea what part of his body it hit.


    That's probably what the referee will say in his own defence. But would you be saying the same if it was a Luke Freeman shot that hit Jordan Spence's arm?


    I think the general consensus on Twitter, and even a few on here is that it was a pretty nailed on penalty. From the sounds of things, a lot of believe believe McFadzean's "attack" on Smith was also a penalty. Basically, Craig Pawson got not only one, but two wrong and needs to referee in the Evostik league.


    Cynical me thinks that he only didn't award the Ayling penalty because he'd had a change of mind over the McFadzean one.

  3. Genuine question, is your home support usually as poor as it appeared to be today?


    From where I was standing (Cowshed, opposite you lot) we were pretty decent. We are by no means the loudest or best supported team in the league, but certainly not the worst. We had over 10k there today, which is more than most home attendances including away support across the whole league.


    Think our average home attendance this season is just over 9k which for league one is pretty damn good, think we are only behind Sheffield Utd, yourselves and Bradford this season now for highest average home attendance. Pretty good numbers I would say.


    The club is quite "family" friendly as you might have picked up today, lots of family day out promotions etc, so the fanbase isn't the typical one, a real mix to be honest, whereas most other clubs will be mostly lads in their teens/20s/30s/40s and beyond, who are usually a bit more vocal, think there are a lot more women, kids and families making up the numbers.

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  4. ah ,I get get it ,Saaaarcaarsme ,why don't you just fack off back to your own miserable forum and leave us alone ...







    No ? ,Ok thanks for your generous contribution .Wish you all the best fro the rest of the season .


    Sorry, don't know if my post read differently a couple of hours west of MK but what about is was sarcastic? I compliment your team's performance and the travelling support and it's "sarcastic"? 

  5. Our manager claims we had a nailed on 1st half penalty when your WWE centre half Mcfadzdean wrestled Smith to the ground at a corner, so swings and and roundabouts at the end of the day.


    Your biggest danger as I pointed out yesterday is your poor disciplinary record and now Mcfadzdean will be out for 3 games after todays booking.

    But our manager's dad is bigger than your manager's dad

  6. Thought you lot were excellent today support wise, very loud throughout and looked more than 5.1k.

    As for the game, two quite evenly matched sides, we had more shots and chances but you lot had better and more worrying chances.

    One thing that seems to becoming clear is that Craig Pawson, an apparent select group referee made a very bad decision with not awarding us a pen after Ayling blatantly handballed it from Carruthers' ball in. It looked a pretty stone wall penalty from where I was, but it also seems the ref has apologised to our manager afterwards. Karl Robinson said post match:

    "They got that wrong, and the referee conducted himself very well after the game because he was very open and honest with me."

    Either way, on balance I think the draw was the right result.

    I can't see Bristol City not getting promoted through the automatics, I think you are looking good for top, but at the very least second auto. Certainly the best attacking side we've played against (and probably joint best with us). You seem a very hard side to beat.

    If we and you lot go up I'll be happy, hate Swindle and Preston seem to be falling away. Can see Sheff Utd or Bradford going up through playoffs.

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