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Everything posted by bristolmoose

  1. What he's done there is, he's looked up, he's seen a comment and, bang, straight away he's replied to it. Textbook forumming, Clive.
  2. I believe the girls have that on their undercrackers to show which way round they *put them on. *only on special occasions, mind.
  3. Could at least have put an NSFW warning with that link. People at work might have seen me open it! ?
  4. Was he 'unwell' after suddenly contracting a broken nose?
  5. Well there was a Gas flag hung there so...
  6. Are they really at the point where they have to write off all their assets?
  7. Max Power? Named after a car mag.
  8. I’m still in Hartlepool. It’s been like a Mexican carnival all week, culminating in the open top bus tour tomorrow. The locals have told me they’ve never known good times like this and how prowed they are that it’s put Hartlepool on the map.
  9. Ooh, I'm staying near Hartlepool next weekend. Wonder if I should become an honorary Monkey Hanger for the day!
  10. Comparing themselves with Liverpool and Man U now! “Very disappointing for those travelling down, mad 25 mins! but we did win the last hour 1-0! I know it will be toxic on here now but these things happen to all teams ,even the Man u's and Liverpool's of this world ” Yeah but not every other week, which is why they are currently 1st and 5th and not 90th!
  11. Knock out in Chipping Sodbury Incidentally, the google translation of the German version is "Our neighbours knock on the door and then run away" What it loses in whimsy, it makes up for in accuracy.
  12. He won't delete it, he'll release a statement intending to apologise which will somehow end up sounding much worse.
  13. I sympathise. My cat's not house-trained either.
  14. And here's Benny Stokes, from the locker-room end, steaming towards the creaseline for the 3rd chuck of his first five, Joey Root swings his hitboard...and MISSES! It goes past him and backstop Buttler slam-dunks the ball into the gate, sending the sticks flying. Joey's out of his area, the referee flags and, gee-whillikers, Joey-boy is sent off, with only 7 in-betweens to his name. York-Shire Pigiron are up against the wall now with 3 down to 24 in-betweens. And now a word from our sponsors. Nuts (Honestly, the sponsors are nuts)
  15. It’s just colourful rounders innit?
  16. Here is the quote from the horse's mouth replying to the statement "Joey Barton's new trial will take place on Friday, November 26. " Joke. How is it sensible to rearrange for the day before a game? I notice it just states the Friday and there's no mention of the number of days. Does this mean they now think it will be wrapped up quickly? Yeah, they'll probably just skip all the boring 'evidence' and 'cross-examination' nonsense and go straight to the 'asking the jury wevver he done it or not" bit and have it wrapped up before lunch.
  17. One belter on their forum is questioning why it's been arranged for a Friday, the day before a match. Not sure he has worked out where the legal system and a game of football sit in the hierarchy of importance. I can't see the judge poring over a fixture list to see when best suits Bristol Rovers.
  18. Their new training ground, The Craters, or whatever it's called. The one where they forgot to include enough space for players and no offices so they have had to revise the planning application.
  19. Seem to remember Spurs form dipped alarmingly, as did Arsenal's after they both built their new stadia. The powers that be at Rovers have obviously done due diligence and have pre-empted this issue.
  20. I see David Luiz is leaving Arsenal. Have them over on CatShag expressed an interest yet?
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