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Slippin cider

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Everything posted by Slippin cider

  1. I like this squad ….Naismith is a worry but iron out his errors and I’d like it even more …
  2. I’m not paying £600 plus to watch poxy adverts ….
  3. I tend to watch the adverts more than the game at times….
  4. Lots unfortunately, hopefully these disappear soon but he does have a knack of making people very nervous at times .
  5. Shocking! ….when are these places going to learn that people just won’t put up with shit food and service! …makes me so angry….the secret to huge success is to do things properly using great ingredients and having great customer service….simple really but places get it wrong time and time again .
  6. Best of luck to him and the right thing to do, a real warrior when fit and playing .
  7. Absolutely! JB has an interesting bin pic in the match day thread .
  8. Hope they put it out soon before it causes huge improvements ! …..
  9. Last time I went there we lost 5-0 ! ….KMs last game in charge ….can’t stand the dump!
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