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Slippin cider

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Everything posted by Slippin cider

  1. Missed this , welcome Kal …good signing …
  2. A band that completely passed me by, glad all enjoyed the gig though …
  3. Me too , just found out and I’m utterly shocked and saddened. Only 60 …RIP Fletch…thoughts and prayers with family and friends.
  4. Series 2 starts on Sunday 5th June on the BBC ….filmed in and around our fair city im looking forward to this as the first series was excellent…?
  5. I’d like to try Box-E and Little French soon ….
  6. We’re very lucky in Bristol to have such a fantastic choice of restaurants, it’s a foodies dream . Love going to different places to eat it’s great ?
  7. Greedy Goose at Gatcombe farm for Breakfast is excellent and the staff great . Had a takeaway from Urban Tandoor last week , not the small st one their sister restaurant at the top of Whiteladies…..absolutely stunning curry and sides …the best I’ve had for a very long time .
  8. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/61534307.amp
  9. I think his now partners parents or some relatives live near Taunton , he’s often seen on trains to/from there .
  10. Very sad news , RIP Martin .
  11. Swindle really are crap ….
  12. Mr Biggs has a lifetime ban from Forest….
  13. A couple of years ago myself and Mrs Cider went on one of our many trips to Edinburgh, whilst there we went to Easter Road to watch Hibs play Motherwell …booked hospitality and was well looked after with lunch and drinks etc and a scotch pie at half time …had a very good day and Hibs won 2-0 .
  14. With good behaviour yes , if he starts headbutting the screws he’ll be there for the duration! ….
  15. Yes , using his thick head as a weapon essentially ,hence the charge of ABH .
  16. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-nottinghamshire-61505835 24 weeks in jail not 12 , my mistake . Enjoy your porridge moron!
  17. Good job I’m not a judge ,I’d have given the moron 2 years and a life ban …
  18. 12 weeks in the slammer! and a 10 year banning order ….
  19. It is , he’s enough to put a glass eye to sleep ?
  20. 30 year old Florist fan charged with Assault and ABH , due in court today .
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