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Everything posted by INCRED

  1. 6-0 spanking for LJs Sunderland His time may be up in the NE
  2. Sky sports - Bristol City not been in the game according to Alan Mcanally
  3. LJ ruining my Acca today two nil down at Bolton
  4. Playing some great football, aggressive on the tackle Just need to find a better final ball Luton are bang average but capable of nicking one
  5. Dasilva offers technical ability and control, he picks passes and looks to play to feet and actually play football as it should be played whether it’s left or right side. His energy and pace yesterday were very much like the Dasilva we know and like
  6. Well they were good enough to beat Crapdiff today


    We look a real threat with Antoine up front and I don’t think many CBs will enjoy playing against him. If we could just keep key players fit then at least the last third of the season can give us something to look forward to
  8. Yeah agree but it’s a god awful game and we aren’t in the game at all
  9. Well that was a pretty poor first half lacking any quality and two bang average teams
  10. You only need to listen to Kasper and Peter Schmeichel to appreciate the value they put on the influence Pearson had on individuals and the squad at Leicester City. It is going to take time but Pearson will flush out those that don’t fit the profile and attitude he wants for the squad. He’s had a good look at the players in the past year or so and it’s now time to get rid of those who he thinks aren’t up to the job
  11. Yep, I was in the coach in front of the Venture inn coach and they leant out of the windows as they had no glass in them and helped themselves to quite a few empty crates of milk bottles in front was a line of riot police and you could see the Milwall mob running towards them and milk bottles being launched over their heads from the Venture inn coach - hilarious looking back but as a 15y old I was shitting it, especially when the police inspector came on board and told us to sit in the central aisle in case our windows were put in ?
  12. He looks a decent striker this Aboubacar, an upgrade on Dave
  13. Wouldn’t it be great if with so many academy players in the team that they went out and absolutely destroyed Millwall today
  14. If so many other clubs in the division are in the same boat or worse off then how the hell are they so much better than us?
  15. I wonder if they will bring up our League cup run and show the Man U success as a pre cursor to this evenings game
  16. It was bloody awful and dull as ditchwater to watch I don’t know how and why I would go to games knowing what I was about to watch - and then SC the messiah reignited my love of football
  17. With James, Williams and King regularly missing games due to injury I am sure the club will have been eyeing up midfield back up and I would be surprised if we don’t look to bring in someone in January and probably a loan NP may also want a CB as cover as again we get too many injuries, Baker in particular If we get a forward then can only see a youngster Prem loan as an option Dependant on outgoing loans/sales then 3 loans inbound is the minimum I can see happening
  18. I do as well, as bang average as we are we would still be too strong for them and a little reminder of how big the gap is for them ?
  19. Just coincidence or maybe more to it. Not NPs choice, gave them a chance, not aligned to NP methods - Thanks gents but good bye ?
  20. Forget KP, he’s not getting anywhere near the first team in fact I don’t think we will see him play for us again
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