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Everything posted by NOTBLUE

  1. You need to see them before filters were applied,or perhaps it’s better you didn’t
  2. No more away matches for you,you’re banned.
  3. Bird in Hand,more like Cock in Hand.
  4. Tip toe through the East End with your razor and your hob nail boots we’ll tip toe through the East End with you. Tip toe through the Tote End with your hand bag and your powder puff we’ll tip toe through the Tote End with you. Remember my older brothers singing this,both old school 60’s skinheads.
  5. Horfield for me,the Fellowship end mind,not up on the common.
  6. I remember ‘City til’ I die ‘booming out around the ground,the few Chesterfield fans looked absolutely gobsmacked.The next home game was Huddersfield,I think,and if ever a crowd willed a team on to win this was it,cracking atmosphere,and a2-1 win if I Remember correctly,mind you I could be wrong ?.
  7. I’m feeling for you ST ?
  8. Being an under 7 team,I’m assuming it’s a mix of boys ands girls.A tough one for the sags.
  9. I’ve heard that she prefers strapped to her front.
  10. I reckon that if you put together a collage of all of their players signing on photos down the years,it would look like a lottery syndicate that had forgotten to do it on the day their numbers came in.
  11. I too played on the Downs,when I was about 14,yeah you’re right it would lower the standard of football,and where would the hoardes of blue and white clad numpties stand.
  12. Right down by the sea walls with no nets on the goal post’s.Strictly Downs League division 4.
  13. They probably will of dropped it first anyway.
  14. That would be a Micky Mouse watch obviously .
  15. They don’t even sit in their stands,because it’s called a stand.
  16. The Fruitcake Stadium,sounds about right.
  17. Slight error,it should of been basement fans not fan base.
  18. The look on his face,priceless ?
  19. Should of tried 10 pints of Blackthorn,6 or 6.5% back then.
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