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Norn Iron

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Everything posted by Norn Iron

  1. Good point well put Phil! I've no idea why I suggested Birmingham. Here's the address, 217 Manor Rd, Brimington, Chesterfield S43 1PQ
  2. The miracle that is googling.... and paying a £5 subscription to OTIB so I can upload!
  3. Re Joe Payne. This extract has been taken from Wikipedia. If we have any City fans in the Birmingham area, could photos of the plaque be taken and posted on this site (when Boris lifts the lockdown)? Payne died in Luton on 22 April 1975, aged 61.[10] On 13 April 2006, to mark the 70th anniversary of his 10-goal record, a plaque was unveiled by Geoff Thompson, then chairman of the Football Association, on the wall of the Miner's Arms public house in Manor Road, Brimington Common. The site is adjacent to the now-demolished house where he used to live, and overlooks a park where he played football. The unveiling was attended by two of Payne's nephews.[3][8] A lounge at Kenilworth Road stadium was named in honour of Payne
  4. Joe wasn't supposed to have played that day either IIRC. He travelled with the players but one of them became Ill so Joe had to play.
  5. Assuming Rovers go into liquidation, would Miah actually want to watch just one team in Bristol? When their stand caught fire and burnt down their trophy cabinet in the early 80s, they played at the Gate for a few matches. My memory might be different to the actual stats but I think they went from 6000 to just over 4000. The main reason for Rovers fans not attending was because they wouldn't attend a match at the Gate. Assuming that the trend continues on this hypothesis, an extra 4k would be healthy financially for Steve and of course Maggie. As a nod to Rovers fans, we could make our away kit either Blue n White quarters or Purple and Lime quarters. I get the feeling most would choose the latter! If anyone could design a purple n lime quartered shirt and post it, it would be interesting to see what it would look like. Thanks!
  6. I know what Bee Gees No 1 song Mr. Garner detests.... You Win Again.
  7. My local Tesco Northern Ireland this morning. Press/Media need to come here! Plenty on the shelves should you need any to throw onto the pitch this Saturday!
  8. I appreciate those that are making decisions for their family. Putting your family first is correct. I appreciate what Cotswold Red posted. I don't know your medical circumstances and I applaud your reaction to Chappers' bubble response (which I tend to support generally). However, and in my case, there has to be a 'however'! Please read on. A few here will know that I am a full-time carer to my wife. I have had this 'job' for nearly twenty years (previously I was a full time radio presenter.) I had to put our then new born son first as my wife was now registered blind and had just been diagnosed with cancer of the thyroid. For those that don't know your thyroid is at the base of the front of the neck. It's been described as the engine room as "The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate the body's metabolic rate as well as heart and digestive function, muscle control, brain development, mood and bone maintenance." To have cancer in your thyroid, then have it removed means you are now totally reliant on medicines and your immune system is susceptible. My wife has other medical issues that if you want to play Illness Top Trumps with her, prepare to lose! Am I naive or stupid in disregarding the press' current attitude? Maybe, but if I worried about every single virus/illness that is going around the world, I'd be even more screwed up than I am currently. As for my wife? Having been through the mental mangle that is "What if...." you start to get a better perspective. I'm not trying to sound all pompous and arrogant here but if it comes across as that forgive me. Despite having to sell our house to survive, despite having to then rely on the housing executive to provide accommodation as our capital had run dry, we are still alive. We have survived SARS, Swine Flu, various food products bring recalled, poor 'air quality' and goodness knows what else ( I would have said Tony Pulis as well as a bit of humour but he was outside of this time frame). If it means people take a reality check and realise how important family is, brilliant. If it means not going to watch 22 highly overpaid players run around for 90 minutes with a family member 70+, brilliant. If it means we start to take personal hygiene more seriously like wash our hands (doctors and nurses I'm looking at you especially) then brilliant. I'm more worried now that I might not get to see City vs Stoke in April (I've been treated to a ticket. My flights have been booked) because people that matter have been scared into making decisions by the media in particular. I'm more concerned that if the statistics are correct, in one single day 28 times more people are to die from suicide than the Coronavirus. What mental state are they in to take their own life? You might say "Coronavirus is contagious, mental illness isn't" but actually if we spent more time talking and just being with someone, we might be saving a life. So, if it means looking out for others as a result of this virus and spending more time with them, this could be a start. My wife is still alive thanks to a superb NHS and GP family practice. We are off for yet another cancer check-up on Thursday in Belfast. Are we worried about Coronavirus? Not really. After what we've been through (see above!) This is just a blip. The evidence as to how bad it truly is can be found from reading links on this very thread. Personally it's not as serious as some want to make out. However, the positives from this virus outweigh the negatives. Thinking about family members and then spending time with them instead of going to a game is superb. Thinking and then doing something practical for the vulnerable is truly great. Thank you Cotswold Red and Chappers for engaging in this thread and making me react. Neither of you are wrong. If having read my epistle, you think it's a load of rubbish then please respond but do it in a way where we can discuss without using words to denigrate or put down. COYR especially April 18th (unless Sky says otherwise)!
  9. Just to keep the thread going..... Goodbye My Love?
  10. Filip Filoppe is described as a shoe-in into the Rovers' first first team as he is their sole central defender. He was spotted last season in a reserve match by their scout playing beach football ....or the MemStad pitch as it's better known.
  11. Thanks for giving the reason why we weren't allowed off the train. I never knew until now! I was a steward on board that day as well. Beryl would look after the regulars on CATs hence how I got that job! I'm puzzled as to why I never went to that Reading game. I remember going to the following season's match at Elm Park but for different reasons. I had a cold that was getting worse prior to the game. A steward let me climb back out of the ground via the turnstiles so I could go to the little terraced shop opposite for some flu remedies. Then I had to climb back over the turnstiles to gain readmittance. IIRC it was an early ko to avoid a repeat of the previous encounter.
  12. I think Miah you're getting confused. When someone from Barcelona says 'Meh' they mean meh (a teenager expression which is marginally better than a grunt or a shrug of the shoulders) and not Miah! Enjoy Shrewsbury but don't grin too much!
  13. You'll have to get transferred to Northern Ireland Julie. More Bank Holidays over here!
  14. Actually Ska, you might be giving Rovers an idea. Miah, if you're reading this, please tell whoever needs to know that Mansfield in the 70s (cant be sure of exact date) needed a new main stand. They bought an existing one from a racecourse that was closing down. Oh the puns if Rovers did likewise or bought a stand or two fron FGR.
  15. Hi Wendy. When did Mr. H say this? According to an interview with him published today, he wasn't going to apply but if they contacted him he would go for the job. That's my take on it!
  16. Did you know Churchill the Dog was co-commentating at the time of both penalties? http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/50589221
  17. But there were two versions of that shirt sold by Beryl. One had Hirerite on, the other didn't. You could choose if you wanted to promote the sponsor or not.
  18. Just called into Gloucester services. Blimey it's cold. At least it's dry cold as opposed to damp cold back in Norn Iron. As stated on another thread, this is my first game of the season. I am being treated to it by the driver, a Stokie season ticket holder. The general feeling from the Stokies is that they don't know what kind of team they are. They knew early on last season they were going down. Predictions from them range from who turns up to this is the day we start playing! Personally, I'm looking forward to being at the Gate again. A place I've spent so many hours at from 1977. I'm also looking forward to local beer. Everything else is a bonus. 2-1
  19. Here you are Slarti.... But they'll never be as good as this band....
  20. Slarti. I'm very disappointed in you. I got all excited that the first chart single I ever bought with my pocket money, had somehow been selected. What's more there was a video of it! Imagine my surprise when instead of hearing Kites by Simon Dupree and the Big Sound I was treated to a follow up featuring Captain Feathersword from The Wiggles. He might be a gentle giant but that's prog rock for you.
  21. Interesting point Rob. I've discussed the following point elsewhere on OTIB but what if Bristol Sport did a deal with Rovers? The deal being if you, BRFC, get into the Championship, you can use our ground for a nominal fee. In return, Bristol Sport owns the Memorial Stadium which means the Rugby Team can return to its rightful home. Would the gas fans turn up to Ashton Gate? When they had to in the 80s because of 'that' fire, the normal Rovers Eastville attendance dropped by around 2,000 for an Ashton Gate fixture. No doubt a few, as a matter of principle, would still stay away. What could happen if the deal was signed? Rovers would get relegated and go into liquidation. At the very least, Bristol Rugby would be back at the Mem.....until Bristol Sport sells it to Sainsburys. The money raised would be used to put a roof on Ashton Gate!
  22. I'll drink to that. IIRC a well known city fan who used to play rugby for a well known team, once said on TV that he was one of the fans protesting. I think he went on to say that he might have thrown something at a window. Inquiry?
  23. They'd sell two varieties of this spring water- Still and Gas.
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