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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. You would be protected by the canopy though? And if anything caught fire the championship-ready sprinklers would deal with it in no time.
  2. Don`t laugh too much but I wonder if he`d feel the same if they were top two................................................
  3. Belters like him just can`t help themselves. Either that or they have to put some crap like that in to avoid a ban for being critical of the regime and sent away for re-education.
  4. Well, I have to say I agree with Mr Barton here. If a keeper has got into a Formula One car and driven over an opposing forward it should definitely be a red card...............................
  5. Fighting like rats in a sack over at slagchat, threads being locked and moderators getting slagged off nineteen to the dozen. I thought it was only other clubs who had fans who turn on each other.
  6. It appears from the BBC match report that the Ipswich keeper should have been sent off too. Ah well, never mind.
  7. Never apologise for updating us first hand on how shite the deluded fools from over the river are!
  8. Double bubble! It will be fun tonight but tomorrow they`ll have had another day to reflect so their reactions will no doubt be more reasoned and well thought out as usual. Hands up anyone else who thinks it`s Saturday!
  9. Yep. I`ll be making my normal Saturday evening visit to sagchat later when I`m having me tea. It normally cheers me up after a bad day.
  10. Sachin Tendulkar: India cricket legend in hospital with Covid-19 - BBC News Get well soon Sachin
  11. I know! I`ve lived down in Devon for thirty years but if I meet someone who`s broad Bristol.....................................................
  12. Yep. I`d be happy for Robbie Cundy to have the worst game of his life, put one in his own net and give away a couple of penalties.
  13. Easy for them to visit when he`s banged up in Kirkham.
  14. I bet they would `it`s not the same` they`d splutter and try and find a way to explain why it isn`t. After all, SL is a dirty tax dodger to them despite their own ramshackle collection of tents and patio chairs being owned by a company in the Channel Islands. Everyone is on the fiddle apart from the loyal and true saintly men from Horfield.
  15. Terrific game just couldn`t quite get there. Well played Sam Curran, a lovely innings.
  16. How can anyone not like cricket? Imagine if there was a crowd there.
  17. That is unfair- decision overturned but we don`t get the run.
  18. Dropping Curran on 22 could hopefully be costly
  19. Getting interesting now - some very concerned faces in the Indian dugout.
  20. Great catch by Kohli which has probably won the match for India now.
  21. And you just know that, if the same happened to them now, they`ll say it wouldn`t have happened if we had gone bust in 1982 as da famuzzz quarters would have been the only team in the city and would have won the Premier League many, many times in the intervening years. In their tiny deluded minds they`d be up there with Man Utd and Liverpool. Claiming that would make it the fault of them gurt dirty teds rather than their own incompetence and general shitness.
  22. So they`re definitely still paying the last two as no-one else has been stupid enough to employ them yet.
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