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Lanterne Rouge

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Everything posted by Lanterne Rouge

  1. Al these managers think they can turn players like him around - fresh start, clean slate and all that but some are just beyond help. Look at Tomlin - even Neil Warnock, love him or hate him, couldn`t get a tune out of him and if he couldn`t then I doubt many others would be able to.
  2. Oh I hope it is but I think they`ll scab their way out of it - it`s what they do. Mind you, would that be such a bad thing? They could well tear it up in League 2 but if they stay up and Wally invests what he normally does another season of struggle awaits. In all honesty, can anyone see any half decent players wanting to sign for the headcase Barton (assuming he`s not locked up by next season)?
  3. Heart says they`re going down but head says not. Just done the forecast on The Fishy and put them down to draw v Lincoln, beat Crewe & MK and lose the other two and they finish 5th bottom two points clear of the drop. Unless they are truly shite in the last five they`ll be having their survival open-top bus tour I fear.
  4. Get in! This game is exactly the sort that makes county cricket the great contest it is. Nip and tuck, one side on top and then the other with the game looking over after two days only for Somerset to rally and come back to win it. Great stuff!
  5. 10. Surely we can`t Somerset this up from here can we?
  6. 32 with four left still now. You got to love cricket - we were dead and buried on Friday night
  7. There`s some belter over on slagchat saying the EFL should investigate the Wigan & Wimbledon results from yesterday for evidence of illegal betting patterns! You couldn`t make it up - well obviously you could if you`re a fewer.
  8. And some of that fake Fanta - it`s got all sorts in it, it`s like moonshine.
  9. And the other one was that Filip Morais the nutcase who used to play for Bolton. He got sent off at AG for kicking someone (Eliasson?) up in the air in front of the Lansdown in the `return of the Wilbs` night game we won 2-0.
  10. To which any visiting Owl will agree wholeheartedly - they`d say anything to get out of being pinned in a corner by a couple of their inbred drooling halfwits.
  11. Yep! They`d have been chuffed as nuts going in front at Sixfields when all the others were losing only to be roundly shafted come 5 o`clock. Happy days!
  12. Cobblers will be well up for this you would think. They can take a huge leap towards safety if they win with the games all the others have today.
  13. I think I speak for all of us in hoping that them scabbing a win over Doncaster United last week was their `Wycombe Moment` for this season.
  14. I notice about half way down that the BP can`t help themselves: `Wowed by the atmosphere at the mem`. When was that then? When Bristol played there? The blue few haven`t generated an atmosphere (apart from a toxic one) since about 1958.
  15. Yeah I saw that on sagchat where they`re all creaming themselves at how big it is! Mind you, anything bigger than a portacabin must seem big to them.
  16. Trouble is that none of the other dead men down there have particularly winnable games either: Wimbledon v Fleetwood, Burton v Swindon, Hull v Northampton, Rochdale v Ipswich and Wigan v Portsmouth. At least they ought to still be in the bottom four at 5 o`clock even if they do win.
  17. You would be protected by the canopy though? And if anything caught fire the championship-ready sprinklers would deal with it in no time.
  18. Don`t laugh too much but I wonder if he`d feel the same if they were top two................................................
  19. Belters like him just can`t help themselves. Either that or they have to put some crap like that in to avoid a ban for being critical of the regime and sent away for re-education.
  20. Well, I have to say I agree with Mr Barton here. If a keeper has got into a Formula One car and driven over an opposing forward it should definitely be a red card...............................
  21. Fighting like rats in a sack over at slagchat, threads being locked and moderators getting slagged off nineteen to the dozen. I thought it was only other clubs who had fans who turn on each other.
  22. It appears from the BBC match report that the Ipswich keeper should have been sent off too. Ah well, never mind.
  23. Never apologise for updating us first hand on how shite the deluded fools from over the river are!
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