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Everything posted by Ivorguy

  1. As some have said we can't, in this division, wait ten games in the hope of the team gelling. They need to gel from the start. A defeat today, at home against a promoted side, would be a very bad start given the games to come. September could, if we can't win today, already see us drifting off the division's pace.
  2. Lee needs to rethink tactics at half time Hope we can keep it at one nil at 45 mins
  3. From a very old Bristolian who was brought up to always support City but who also back in the Fifties, along with many fellow Bristolians and City supporters, also secondly supported Rovers and attended games- none of this rather nasty name calling by so called fans of both clubs. Well done Rovers but onwards and upwards with The Mighty Robins
  4. Lee's comments are interesting in as much as the team didn't do what they were asked to do He said he was angry He will get it right, I am convinced, because he can see where the weak spots are Next season's starting 11 will look very different from this season's finishing 11 Believe in Lee
  5. Underlines fact that if we survive we need a large intake of quality To concede three at home is not good
  6. All we need is one scrambled goal Come on City Warmley, Warmley as the fans used to chant when they wanted the boot put in by City
  7. Sorry Charlton could send us down if they win tonight and next 3 games and we lose tonight and next three
  8. Keep the faith Lee will add that special something Wibs to score 2 when he comes on
  9. Having already given Wilbraham a contract doubt we would ever have been interested in Odemwingie. We'll go for a young fast striker.
  10. Oddly City have now amended substitutes to include Little but to exclude Reid !
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