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Everything posted by RUSSEL85

  1. Agreed. £20m plus add ons will do it. Hopefully a beefy sell on clause
  2. I’m sure Luton fell in that bracket last season.
  3. As far as typing errors go, that just worked a treat ?
  4. The Gas watch “Pawn” at half time! Bunch of ******* ?
  5. Or he could be a “Knight in White Satin” which will upset the “Moody Blues”north of the river.
  6. Was a good price for Collins tbf, a fair defender but £23m worth? Killman also heading off it seems which would bank over £100m (in total) in what increasingly looks like a fire sale. Wonder how much FFP s**t they are in. A long season ahead for Wolves I think.
  7. Who said our logo looked like a Chilli on the end of a Fishing Rod? Its all I bloody see now, thanks a bunch ?️
  8. That's a tough tug!! In all seriousness, wish Han-Noah all the best. He is certainly a very good player and hope he thrives elsewhere (not in the championship though)
  9. I will not be renewing when due, nearly £10 a month increase with reduced quality. I’ve seen enough on Freeview, ITV X, more 4, i players etc to be keep me entertained. if there is a game i desperately want to see, il head to the pub, but few and far between now.
  10. Ederson & Stones men of the match for me
  11. Ref seems decent and in control to me
  12. Read the title and was expecting a betting scandal
  13. Another good signing, excuse my ignorance but we have signed 3 defenders, good ones. We also have Atkinson, Kalas, Naismith, Wilson, Pring, Vyner. I can get confused with precise positions of players but are we to heavy at the back now?
  14. He can’t jump in air with hands not in air, ridiculous decision
  15. Dreaded Sandy Turnbull, was the worst day of my life ?
  16. Il be surprised if we hear anything until the Prem season ends
  17. Playing for Spurs at present can’t blame the lad ?
  18. Well said. Really going to miss Jeff, he has been a constant over the last 30 years, the ultimate professional. Those are going to be big, big shoes to fill. I hope he enjoys his retirement at 68. The infamous Jeff and Kammy moment from Fratton Park missing the red card I will never forget, it was hilarious.
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