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Everything posted by Natchfever

  1. Short thread read it youll see.
  2. What you deserve mate is all the very best. Hope to see you posting again soon
  3. Im buying it hence your reaction to my post no doubt Not sure im in the minority either but for the record, I really hope Manning succeeds whilst telling Tinnion to keep his nose out of important stuff.
  4. Nice post. Plenty disagree with you it seems but none should doubt your hope for Manning to succeed as that means you get your ultimate wish. Manning is here (on current form) until end 24/25 minimum. That being said, fans are entitled to question him just like everyone who has gone before him and the antics of Lansdown and Tinnion, plus the orchestrated BS forum offensive will simply make people more determined to get their point across. Fair play to you.
  5. Interesting comments thanks. I think Roberts hss hardly had much time to show either way and I actually reckon Knight has gone backwards. Williams injury free now and producing his best form. Arguable maybe hed be doing the same for Pesrson but facts are facts and spart from Saturday has been doing it for Manning. Tanner I consider steady and a 6,/10 since coming. Not really seen a consistent upturn but appreciate others see it differently. I think Pring Bell Conway and Wells seem to have gone backwards Vyner and Dickie excellent throughout and OLeary likewise consistent.. Imo therefore in and out with matching results and performances.
  6. Agreed Mr P, only one I can think of at present but he drives me nuts more than impresses me !
  7. Who do you reckon Manning is getting a tune out of who Pearson didnt? Genuine question
  8. Well said. People mention the previous manager and when wsm responds they are accused of having an obsession. He doesnt rate Manning. Pearson is history. Possibly another shit appointment but time will tell. Time (and budget I suspect) will be afforded to the current HC but he should be open to scrutiny.
  9. Those clubs dont have rugby played on it regularly though. Your point about tbe cost of a matchday at a "proper" stadium is very pertinent, particularly for City who seem to be austere at present.
  10. Plenty of fans in there now who wont be if theres an unjustified price hike and I dont imagine there will be a big queue to take up the slack if thats the case. I get your point if you are referring to kids prices although the club is hoping those (genuine) kids will become adult fans so unlikely id imagine to double those prices.
  11. Correct and yet goalies would get smashed back then and the goalmouth was the same size !
  12. Dunno why youre getting dug out mate. I didnt know that about him and its not like the Bristol area produces many champ quality players.
  13. Villa seem ok with the Bescot I think and I believe many other clubs avoid using the main stadium. Probably a good financial and possibly surface resting reason for that.
  14. With 2 of them over the weekend.
  15. I suspect there will be a strong lobby to stay at AG. Respect your views but attendances seem way down on the early season games. Club doesnt appear committed financially imo which seems at odds with the pr.
  16. If Nige was still here, Tinnion wouldnt be lording it over football matters imo so was never happening. All about crayon boy and Sid. I have serious doubts regarding Manning but he was never turning down the job offer.
  17. Manning seems to like Mehmeti. I can see Wells going but will need a replacement and that might eat up his wage. Cornick im unsure of. Think Manning sees him as a good squad option. I personally think hes not "got" Knight so may seek to move on plus unfortunately James and King off anyway. A hunch that Williams will be off too.
  18. Clevedon? Train option available at Yate or WSM ? Attendances seem to be tailing off.
  19. Could bring in a few bob Should ring Johnstone Paints....
  20. Disagree. Maintenance intervals are there for a reason, and I thought the same Saturday personally.
  21. Aaron Brown had a decent career as I recall?
  22. Who are these players the club is trying to shift?
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