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Everything posted by BasSavage88

  1. Tough win hopefully push on on Saturday with a bit of confidence
  2. What was negative? I didn't call Alex Scott a *** that needs to be dropped into the ocean. I said his set pieces are crap and never beat the first man.
  3. Yes. I buy a season ticket, watch the games and listen to the podcasts to be an undercover wind up gas head.... You ******* idiot
  4. Based on my experience tonight everyone is ill or can't be ******
  5. I dont agree with alot of what they say and often chuckle at how idiotic some of it is (Starting Martin again/Starting the kids instead of buying loaning players etc etc) but its an entertaining hour because of it. Would be boring if you agreed with everything they said. I did laugh about him getting done over by a remote desktop scam though ?
  6. It's ok. Northern Red from the internet thinks they should shut up booing because they didn't clap as loudly when we were winning.
  7. Because finding a replacement is something I can't do. I don't know the money we have to spend/who's available/who's interested etc. There's literally no point in suggesting anyone. I could pluck a random unemployed name or someone who's managing a l1 or l2 team doing well but who gives a **** it would be me guessing and adds nothing
  8. Such a shitty cop out. It's not my job to find his replacement.
  9. The **** is wrong with people like you. I don't think Nigel is good enough for our club and want him gone. Dont like that maybe just maybe I might be right?
  10. Because Pearson can't adapt. He would.have to change the way we play if he put an actual centre back there
  11. Why do we keep letting Scott take set pieces he is awful at them
  12. Where the **** has the speed and the energy gone from the team a few games ago? We are utter dirt
  13. Just looked at her Twitter seems she wants Bristol not to build anything anywhere
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