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Everything posted by BasSavage88

  1. You make out like we are the only club cutting it's wage bill. Clubs up and down our league are
  2. You've been saying it'll come for months. It won't as Pearson isn't good enough to get us there.
  3. 1st response nails it. Dinosaur of a manager
  4. That's such a shitty way out of it. I'm not a football manager it's not my job to decide on what needs to be done in recruitment or on the training ground. I'm also not a club ceo who can decide on who we bring in. Its the same as me asking you do you think you are a good fan by blindly supporting a manager who clearly isn't good enough?
  5. At least I don't flap around not knowing what I want like most. I don't like Nigel, think he's a shit manager and he is taking this club backwards. I don't change my mind based on a win or a loss or a new season etc.
  6. My reaction ? This will keep the Nigel happy clappers with ammunition for months
  7. Think it says more about our full backs and midfielders that Pearson would rather have a cb take them
  8. It's not 2 games. It's the continuation of the shit from last year
  9. I wouldn't want him anywhere near the club when he goes
  10. I still don't get Massengo. Not good enough going forward, not good enough defensively, isn't quick, doesn't shoot, gives ball away constantly. As for today. It was what is was, could see that 3rd goal.comijg for 20 mins.
  11. Is this something he can recover from and play again?
  12. 3rd shirt will be announced first. Away shirt after which is apparently amazing
  13. tbf it is a pretty big thing if he has decided to go out there and promote the great country of Qatar whilst they have laws outlawing his sexuality.
  14. Sure you'll be following me around
  15. Gets annoyed someone doesn't like a t-shirt... Remembers who I am.... Checks posting history..... Yeah you are the odd ball. I don't like the kit. My feelings on how last season went are irrelevant to this. Ive got my season ticket for next year if it makes you feel any better
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