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Posts posted by Keyred

  1. I'm in a very high risk group having multiple health issues including heart failure, a genetic connective tissue disorder and I'm over 60. I take 91 tablets a week just to stand still. I suspect that, a) they wouldn't bother with me overly much and b) I'm unlikely to survive it anyway.

    I could get morose and fearful but I prefer to drink red wine and cider, sometimes in the same pint glass, no, not really and partaayyy like it's 2029 (which I'm unlikely to see).

    My missus has cancer, has had her thyroid removed and suffers from multiple joint disorders. I said to her, "You know we're likely to die from this if we get it?" She said, "Yeah, what ya gonna do?"(Homer Simpson voice required)

    We've been in isolation since last week and pretty soon I'm a gonna have to kill her. No, not really, we get on great.

    I've got no great wisdom to pass on, it is what it is. Do the basics, be sensible and maybe, hopefully, we'll come through to the other side.

    If I/we should fall by the wayside then remember this; We were City fans.

    Good luck to you all.

    • Like 2
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    • Robin 6
  2. 25 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    And, to be honest, this is the problem with the current government mixed message - people will die but just wash your hands. It’s the epitome of contradictory. And as such people carry on as normal.

    I’ll reiterate - I do not know if our approach is the right one (Herd Immunity). It’s either genius or madness. But the government need to level fully as to what the long term strategy is, rather than leaving it to loons on forums (myself included) to speculate as to what’s likely.

    We’re not at war with other countries. This isn’t Brexit. All that needs to happen is honesty. Unfortunately, that’s totally contrary to Johnson and Cummings way of thinking.

    You have absolutely no idea if the strategy taken by our Govt. is the right one or not. Neither do I. Honesty is not a pre-requisite of ANY politician. It doesn't matter what their slavish, drooling allegiance is to any dogmatic 'political principle'. If the red ***** were in power we'd just as likely be in a bigger mess. Let's give the blue ***** the benefit of the doubt for now.

    Johnson and Cummings are no more dishonest than any other politicians of whatever political stripe. I'm surprised you think otherwise. Stop trying to score political points, it makes you look idiotic.

    • Like 6
    • Hmmm 1
  3. 28 minutes ago, Super said:

    I see the latest talk is the over 70's going into quarantine for 4 months?! Good luck with that. 

    Yep. My M-i-L is 90 and she was indignant that anybody would dream of curtailing her social life. After two weeks of isolation she'd be bat-shit crazy. The only thing might have got through was telling her that she could be infecting others including her children/grand children/great grand children.

    Whether we can actually stop her from going out is another matter. Anybody know where I can buy a taser?

    • Like 2
  4. I used to think that Cardiff weren't that dissimilar a club to ourselves (yeah I know, Welsh, sheep-shaggers etc) but their behaviour over the tragic Sala affair is more than reprehensible, it's unforgivable.

    If we were in a similar situation (heaven forbid) I would expect Steve Lansdown and the club to honour the agreement and I believe they would. Hopefully that belief will never be tested.

    I would hope that the people of Cardiff and supporters of the club do not agree with the owner/board in this situation and would make their feelings known. I won't, however, be holding my breath.

    Sadly I have to concur that in this instance especially, Cardiff are indeed a vile club.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Miah Dennehy said:

    It's absolutely nailed on, it's not like they would bullshit us or anything is it?

    Of course not.

    In the last twenty five years you've been mushrooms, that's not going to change.

    You've got to be the most gullible, idiotic fans there ever were. Not only would you be doing us a favour by going out of existence, you'd be setting an example for all other candidates of the Darwin awards.

    The 'other' team in Bristol... pmsl.

    Have a nice night. Don't let the door hit your sister's arse on the way out.

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