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Everything posted by BS3City

  1. Does that 372 include the Geordie / Mackem branch of the world's most loved club?
  2. I remember our coach in a grid locked car park when the ladies glided past. Gave us all an impromptu flash too...?
  3. The Cruyff turn pales into insignificance compared to the legendary Walshy shuffle. Given, the Dutch boy was good, but Walsh was 90mph with BOTH feet (accurately measured on HTV News IIRC). I defy anyone to beat that! ?
  4. I remember my dad saying "d'you think she dyes her pubes black"? ?
  5. Decent comments from Preston fans go back a good number of years...
  6. Some lovely comments, very complementary. From memory I've always found Preston fans to be fair and well balanced in their dealings with us. Well done HNM, makes me proud to be a Bristol City fan...
  7. I think it's more about performance than result at the moment. As previously mentioned we ain't going up or down so it's not an uncomfortable position to be in. I'm loving the development of the younger players and what looks like a burgeoning team spirit. Something is brewing here, I still have total faith in Big Nige. COYR!!!
  8. That child must have awfully strong forearms to hold a construction of that size for so long!
  9. I'm sure the events mentioned at Crapdiff occurred only a week or two before some widely reported violence in a cup game between them and Leeds (although I could be wrong). The Crapdiff stuff at our game was the worst I've ever experienced, but barely got a mention nationally IIRC.
  10. Apologies if mentioned elsewhere but parachute payments have ruined what was possibly one of the most competitive leagues in the world. Fulham, Bournemouth, West Brom etc this season, it'll be Norwich next season. I hate what the Championship has become. Keep the faith, COYR!!!
  11. I'm sure Meyers debut was against Brum, a fading memory recalls an impressive showing with a couple of efforts from distance that shaved the crossbar (although I could be wrong). I remember being really excited at what might be around the corner - but what did an excitable 12 year old know? ?
  12. He did something similar - "over celebrating" against us years ago IIRC. Clearly doesn't like us for whatever reason, but then again I don't like him. Anyway from tonight's showing he's past it, slow, on the slide, getting fat and going grey. Have a nice life ya wanchor...
  13. The look on my sons face when Korey netted the winner will stay with me for the rest of my life! What a night...
  14. That sounds like the sort of event that could seriously affect a Sag attendance...?
  15. A "bloodthirsty hound" sounds more like Darrell's cup of tea...?
  16. That would be Doncaster United...
  17. My memory is fading as I get older, however I'm sure it was Aizlewood who took out Trevor Francis once upon a time around the halfway line up at Sheff Weds. One of the best fouls I think I've ever seen!
  18. Irrespective of whether he gets away with it or not he KNOWS that everyone KNOWS that he is an absolute ***. TNUC
  19. Sag **** from work just text me "hope we get you in the next round". So obsessed...
  20. Mick Harford, now what a guy that was! Way way way too good for us at that point in time. I absolutely loved him...?
  21. I've watched the second half, and they are crap. We've had a dreadful couple of years, but watching the dross they've churned out this afternoon really shows the gap for what it is. Love it...?
  22. FGR should be 2 up, just missed a sitter...?
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