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Everything posted by BS3City

  1. Didn't Paul McCartney buy Heather Mills a plane? And a Ladyshave for the other leg...
  2. It was obvious that Darrell needed to get away from it all. I'm sure a romantic beach holiday will recharge his batteries...
  3. If you look closely you can see one of the "championship ready" sprinklers in full flow! The poor guy's right armpit must be absolutely soaked!!!
  4. The internet is a marvellous thing...?
  5. After a tough day at work it's always nice to just get yourself home and relax. Come on Darrell, tomorrow's another day...
  6. This epitomises everything about the Blue Few! FAKE FANTA!!! Surely it doesn't get any more pathetic? Also, how does this Sag know what ass tastes like?
  7. Can't be Ian Alexander, he hasn't swallowed his false teeth during the match...?
  8. The melt in the yellow top - "prowdly" displaying his Gary Penrice style moustache... C.nuts...
  9. Hani, Hamster, Boycie and Bullshitter, a winning combination! With these fraudsters in charge the Sags are doomed! YIPPEE!!! ???
  10. Darrell ain't gonna be happy after this one! Hopefully this'll cheer him up...
  11. But only 17 points off the play offs... ?
  12. Aaah the magic of the FA Cup eh, where there's always a chance for the underdog to have their chance of glory and five minutes of fame! Unfortunately on this occasion it wasn't to be...
  13. Good grief the Dog Botherer looks absolutely hammered!!!
  14. Typical Sag level of thickness, I would've thought they'd be encouraging people onto the pitch! "Bring yer boots, cos you can't be any worse than what we've already got"...
  15. Only the pre-match warm up but that stand is definitely rocking!!!
  16. Many thanks for the clarification! It just seems to me that one or two Sags are getting a little "touchy" over everything that is (or isn't) happening at their place. Gate use is virtually irrelevant given the wider picture at "The Mem Stad", but glad to say that you have soundly cleared the issue up. For the Blue Few "sand in yer vagina" must be a terrible thing. Never forget there is a far more enjoyable alternative south of the river. Hope this helps... ?
  17. Would Darrell see this as a Mastiff improvement?
  18. No I'm sure I read the watch was only 10 grand...
  19. Massif improvement - Massif Central - Massif Bellend - Massif Fraud - Priceless...
  20. In all fairness credit where credit is due, it's one the most well constructed tents I've ever seen! No chance of it blowing away with those sturdy guy lines attaching it to the pitch, although they could be a potential trip hazard for any approaching player... Wanchors...
  21. Is that supposed to increase the capacity or improve the match day experience? Cos by the look of it it won't do either? Absolutely pathetic! Keep 'em coming losers...?
  22. Slightly awkward though. A conference ready team and "stadium" yet championship ready sprinklers! How's that gonna work???
  23. Couldn't bear to watch all of it but check out around 1min 50. The plastic chairs with writing on the back - guaranteed to deter any would be thief! Absolutely tinpot...
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