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Loosey Boy

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Everything posted by Loosey Boy

  1. That’s what it looks like to me! Some big calls/statements in that starting 11 and squad overall
  2. Merry Christmas Joey - hope you like porridge
  3. Blackburn look to be OK - as you say, Stoke could be next……sense Cardiff not far behind too
  4. Agreed - sounds like January will see some ins and outs…..wonder who he is referencing here though?
  5. Loosey Boy


    You’d like to think that if his injury was that bad (he had no chance of playing in either game) that he would have been sent back to City for treatment…..that’s my hope anyway as not having him available for Sat (with Baker & Atkinson having been injured recently too) would not be good ???
  6. Loosey Boy


    That’s all we need……Kalas injured (if true)!
  7. Loosey Boy


    Sounds like he’s in a similar position now, health wise……? he will be OK and back at BCFC soon
  8. Get well soon Nige - come back when you’re back to full health and not before. Look forward to seeing you on the touchline again soon. COYRs
  9. Loosey Boy


    I think that City will be looking for a new manager during this two-week break…..once someone has agreed to join, City will then announce Nige’s departure due to ill health. The firmest answer RG gave during that interview was “No” to the Craig Shakespeare question…..perhaps a sign that Nige won’t be here long term as you’d think City would have been interested, following his departure from Villa Hope I’m wrong as so want Nige to succeed here…..
  10. Would be very odd, especially as it sounds like Reading have already “agreed” to a nine point deduction. 3 points is hardly much of a deterrent for future examples either
  11. The Lino that side certainly didn’t help yesterday afternoon - for their pen, the ref looked at him to help his decision - waiting a while, gave nothing, only for the ref to point to the spot!
  12. Couldn’t agree more ? Give Nige the time and resources and I still believe he will sort us. Just hope that his illness doesn’t result in him walking away….
  13. SL has simply got to back NP - whether this is in recruiting another coach to his management team or doing whatever we can (subject to FFP) in January. What we can’t do is continue to chop and change the manager - we need stability and build over a period of time…..I’m still hopeful that Nige will sort us if he’s given the chance. We always knew that this season was going to be frustrating - we can’t spend the money that Ashton and Johnson wasted. If NP had the warchest spent by LJ, I think we’d be top six. Yesterday was a new low and having been at the game yesterday, supporters are turning against the team, rather than NP.
  14. Think Nige’s relationship with Shakespeare is longer standing than with Smith and so hopefully this would help us convince him to come, IF (& it is if), we are actually looking to recruit further in our back room team?
  15. John Terry to return as the main man? ?
  16. I can see Nige walking away on medical grounds……he doesn’t seem in good health and will probably think; “I don’t need this sh@t!” Found it strange that he did all the pre-game interviews etc and then the next day, he’s not week enough to travel with the squad. I hope he doesn’t but something doesn’t feel right…..
  17. Right…..for all the 3,000 of us travelling tomorrow, let’s get behind the boys, Curtis and Nige from the start for the whole 90 minutes!!! Get well soon big Nige ?? COYRs
  18. Will it be POTD? - Derby sold 3.3k tickets and it was then still announced as POTD…..think they ended up with 3.6k there a couple of weeks ago
  19. Are there any pubs for away fans close to the train station or is it a case of heading straight to the ground?
  20. Think Martin needs a rest….nothing to lose in giving AW and NW a go up front with Scott or Palmer in behind…..
  21. Let’s see - expect 3 or 4 changes based on tonight…….
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