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Everything posted by Midred

  1. Apparently China aren't showing any PL matches today in case there are any Ukrainian colours showing!
  2. Next week, next month, next season?
  3. Perhaps that's what the "preferred" bidders tell them after they've seen the books!
  4. Anyone seen this kind of advertising at any other ground where they've got 2/3 electronic hoardings on the main stand? I can imagine how annoying/distracting it must be if you're sat opposite!
  5. Yes I agree with your arguments wholeheartedly it's just that the IOC whilst trying not to be political always appear to make more of a mess of the situation. To be hoped that there are no drug issues at these games.
  6. If you're Derby you can!
  7. The international Paralympic committee are allowing Russia and Belarus to compete as neutral athletes! I can understand that most athletes are probably apolitical but it's a bit like the IOC making exceptions to the no drugs ruling!
  8. Everton in bottom 3 at this moment in time.
  9. Off subject, Leeds to become RB Leeds following the appointment of their new coach?
  10. They're meant too be helping Derby?
  11. But apparently they've got enough "funds" to last til the end of March... so that's alright then?
  12. Quite appropriate for Derby Day!
  13. Midred


    He'd obviously watched the David Beckham "How to take a pressure penalty " video!
  14. But he wouldn't be able to show Derby how good he is!
  15. Just need to beat Ireland so they don't win the triple crown!
  16. Chelsea's "charitable foundation", does that mean that they don't pay any tax?
  17. Even the radio Nottingham commentators were surprised, which was surprising
  18. Does seem bizarre that Pring gets booked for 1st foul of the match but several repeat offenders for Forest just get a talking to!
  19. So was there any applause for Ukraine during the match?
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