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Everything posted by Midred

  1. Quite appropriate for Derby Day!
  2. Midred


    He'd obviously watched the David Beckham "How to take a pressure penalty " video!
  3. But he wouldn't be able to show Derby how good he is!
  4. Just need to beat Ireland so they don't win the triple crown!
  5. Chelsea's "charitable foundation", does that mean that they don't pay any tax?
  6. Even the radio Nottingham commentators were surprised, which was surprising
  7. Does seem bizarre that Pring gets booked for 1st foul of the match but several repeat offenders for Forest just get a talking to!
  8. So was there any applause for Ukraine during the match?
  9. Perhaps it's a ploy by Nige to make Forest look elsewhere for players!
  10. Colback on a free from the ref this afternoon?
  11. Listening to radio Nottingham. Painfull how badly Forest appear to be being treated by the ref!
  12. You haven't included the discretionary submission from the ref's union of 20 red cards, 65 yellow cards and a 5 year ban on penalty awards!
  13. Just waiting for the east midland news, they're bound to know what's going on after all they've been promising big news all week! ?
  14. Luckily clubs don't get into this position very often but have any other club (recently) been given this much leeway given the rule breaking over ffp and account submittion that Derby have? (If that makes sense?)
  15. How many refs suffer from long sightedness, ie they can give a decision about a possible penalty from 30 yards away but are virtually blind up to 10 yards?
  16. How many instances like that are given against us though?
  17. What annoys me is the referees who are pedantic about somethings like where the spray goes and is oblivious to the kicking the ball away or throwing it around to prevent us taking quick free kicks.He's marking the spot for the free kick and the offender is almost on top of him!
  18. Why doesn't the ref book them for standing in front of the free kick?
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