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Banjo Island

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Everything posted by Banjo Island

  1. Regardless of the final score this team is a joy to watch
  2. Comedey gold i could watch that over and over again i almost feel sorry for em almost what a pair of hamptons
  3. Skysports arranging for jim white to be at training grround all day
  4. Rwb has been neglected for far to long at least 3 seasons its about time we invested in this position with a big strong arhletic type who can get up and down the pitch there must be one out there in the world of football
  5. Perhaps he thinks the players around him are better than they actualy are
  6. Mcinalley on sky sports saying conway qualifies for scotland grining from ear to ear
  7. Its obvious looking at that shower of shyte yesterday and our performance today they are definateley NOT coming for us now or anytime soon
  8. Oh yessssssss in nige we believe the future is bright conway scott massengo outstanding nahki superb bentley great saves i could go on the whole team loos like its gelling into something rather exiting
  9. Yessss ave it you vile bunch of mongs
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