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Gimme Shelton

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Everything posted by Gimme Shelton

  1. Let's hope they allow Tanner in then! One for the more mature
  2. He had a very good game at MKDons when we won 1-0 with an early goal. Near the end he took the ball the entire length of the pitch to relieve pressure
  3. That is actually quite amusing,and the comment about MKDons fans!
  4. Go home and bore his poor wife to death now
  5. I think we can all see he'll never be a greyhound but lots of decent players you could say the same about, Marlon for one. However anticipation and experience count for a lot.
  6. Thanks BBC, Bristol gets the mucky end of the stick as usual ?
  7. They might have been perceived by some but having lived in the area all my life (60ish years) I can assure you it was always 50/50 in this area.
  8. Unfortunately there seem to be a lot more of that type than there should be,I would say he'll grow out of it but as the pages on here testify,that's not the case for quite a few. Remember, things are never quite as good or as bad as you think they are.
  9. There were a couple of mistakes Saturday but there were also a couple of moments when I thought - yes there's a player gaining confidence and showing what he can do.
  10. What you mean one good game in three years?
  11. The new Watford,how manys that this season?
  12. Pring looks like one of those who needs to believe in himself and now it looks like he does really the sky's the limit.
  13. There was a graffiti slogan on a pillar underneath the M32 for years saying 'Don Megsons loyal 6000' -they admit their poor attendances!
  14. Surely that's not right otherwise the Wolves goal against Liverpool Saturday would have been allowed for instance
  15. Why does it seem they have 2more on the pitch than us,not working hard enough?
  16. Half correct,from memory the back four that night was Llewellyn,Shail, Munro and Scott
  17. So the left footed Munro was right back and the right footed Llewellyn was left back? No wonder we won with tactics like that. Even Osman wasn't that daft.
  18. Marvin Harriott Vs Derby made Zac look like Maldini when we played Brighton ?
  19. Another classic was the wise men on these very pages saying Bobby Reid wasn't good enough for Div1 let alone the championship,?
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