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Gimme Shelton

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Everything posted by Gimme Shelton

  1. That pitch,short shorts, policeman wearing helmets....proper football ?
  2. I would like to think Benarous might be that player,the boot kicking incident and general shithousing indicates the possibility.
  3. So many mid week games because of the World Cup,still it's not a Saturday so we'll probably win!
  4. I've gone all misty eyed,this must be played more often at Ashton Gate
  5. Don't know what you were watching,he won every header!
  6. Martin comes on when the other forwards are totally knackered closing down for 75 minutes. He wins headers, occupies two defenders while doing it and is a very clever at the dark arts which he demonstrated admirably at West Brom. I'm sorry if you can't appreciate this.
  7. Just wondering when stopping a game like this became a thing, surely only in the last 3/4 years?
  8. Best game I've seen him have on Tuesday,stuck to his task and a very disciplined display. It might be that at home he needs to be more pro active though.
  9. Officials communicate? Why am I only just learning this?
  10. I take your point as always LB but if you don't want to be judgemental we don't know why she is now returning to him and what's going on in her head. Yes it could very well be he destroyed her self confidence,it's just a completely sad situation all round. Waste of a talented player and more importantly abuse of a woman.
  11. What attracted her for a 2nd time to the millionaire footballer.....?
  12. I don't think the throw in cock up happens if it's not hail Mary time. What annoyed me more was after delivering a great cross for the goal he hardly got another pass,defence and midfield turned right every time ?
  13. If I was Sykes tonight I'd be going mental. Ball passed to him then everyone else disappears, no-one showed
  14. Saturday we took far too many touches in the back three, Brighton moved the ball with a maximum of three touches.However they did always have choices of who to pass to.
  15. I'm not doing anything for a couple of weeks, I'm leaving my phone on. Plus I've not even got a reputation to ruin.
  16. I like him and what he brings to the team,I just think that he isn't quite as good as he thinks he is sometimes. Doesn't need to over complicate situations,I'm sure Nige has told him.
  17. Zac has been steady this season and while we all think he has a mistake in him it probably won't be by a dodgy pass across the back line,unlike some. Just finished watching the Championship highlights and there are some proper dodgy defenders out there.
  18. You can't cash in if nobody wants to buy,I don't see clubs falling over themselves to buy HNM
  19. So if it's possible it's not unique
  20. Pedant alert incoming,but there's no such thing as quite unique.Its either unique or it isn't.
  21. Impressed me with his strength and the way he turned his marker several times, a real handful.
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