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Gimme Shelton

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Everything posted by Gimme Shelton

  1. Male footballers don't get equal pay though do they?
  2. I think I'm right in saying it was the first time any footballer had been pictured on the Front of The Times!
  3. If everyone is standing surely he can stand on the seat,job done!
  4. Can't see us signing more than one,and especially not a short keeper.
  5. There was a Greek stall outside which I think was new,did anyone try that?
  6. Tanner annoyed me Saturday,first half he had at least three chances to put Cornick away and for some reason turned back. It doesn't help Cornick look good when he finds space and doesn't get the ball! Second half Cam at least tried his 'raids' but didn't quite come off.
  7. Let's not put ideas in his head!
  8. Who says I've got an emotional attachment? And I'm paying hundreds of pounds for a piece of plastic which allows me to see those 23 games,just because the club thinks it's a good idea doesn't mean all it's paying customers do. I know the club can do no wrong for some,maybe there are happy clappers away from the playing side as well. Next up,a barcode tattooed on your hand,you can't lose that! (And don't say it couldn't happen, something similar is happening in China)
  9. Because we're paying hundreds of pounds and we're customers?
  10. Good finish but the 'keeper,oh dear
  11. We could buy him back but only if Nige thinks he can handle Champions League knockout stages.......
  12. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would have zero interest in watching what would basically be a Harlem Globetrotters type league
  13. Seeing as how we are customers and not supporters now shouldn't the club take note of the saying 'the customer's always right'? 4,500 is a big percentage. Incidentally I wouldn't mind paying an extra 5 or 10 for a physical card.
  14. Depends how many of your family see you as a meal ticket. If it was me and I was already on 100 grand a week and then realised I actually had to live there? Also with the way they treat women (my wife would not go full stop) and other unsavoury aspects of the country - no,it wouldn't be for me. And then there's the actual football, playing for clubs with no history,in front of small crowds in games that mean very little? As you can tell,I'm not keen.
  15. But presumably you aren't on a hundred grand a week now!
  16. Modelling the new shirt? The new collar has allowed it to slip down.
  17. I know the money's fantastic but there is such a thing as job satisfaction, how much more do you need?
  18. Not weird at all,it's what these hypocrites do. Substitute Andrew Neil for Huw Edwards and the Guardian for the Sun and they would be jumping up and down with joy.
  19. Glad the club is giving the option of physical cards,I don't buy this 'saving the club money' nonsense. For much less than one weeks wages for an average championship player they avoid a lot of grief from some of us more senior supporters.
  20. Really,just one for instance look at Bristol Rob's sarcasm loaded contribution three posts above, he'll be old one day
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