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Everything posted by Peter1450

  1. Love the way T20 fortune changes so quickly!
  2. Too close to call , both on 84-4 at the same period
  3. Well it should have been straight forwards
  4. That was as shambolic as our defence at times
  5. Great time to get a wicket after that Livingstone over
  6. And City supporters think Mr Landown makes some odd decisions……
  7. TBH Robby ,any Shoreline would be a better watch than this…….
  8. Have to laugh at the Radio Bristol commentary, don’t want City to go long,it’s not their game……..wtf does he watch every week?
  9. Gary Johnson’s Torquay earn a replay in the 95 th minute against Derby……… Robbered’s arranging the mini bus as I type
  10. Well the ref tried to let them win it with some extra, extra time but a great point none the less.
  11. Boro ripping us a new one here, can’t see City hanging on much longer
  12. Even the Boro commentary agree that could have been given
  13. I’m feeling done in watching, it’s not good for the blood pressure
  14. Should be two, we seem to have grown into this formation, just a game of counter attacking by both sides so far
  15. We’ve completely bamboozeled the Middlesbrough commentators, let’s hope we don’t confuse ourselves
  16. Rather watch Vyner than Maguire tbh, at least the former has improved this season……
  17. Are refs made/ expected to watch a game back and learn from said perceived errors or do they just crack on to the next poor buggers?
  18. That’s how sky sports have it on their highlights, almost like reading a red top ! Hardly a horror tackle as mentioned on the match day thread and clear for everyone to see the quick smirk to the bench after the red card was shown to Tanner, the bloke wasn’t even hurt!
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