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Everything posted by Gazred

  1. Yet another inferior team beats them but he still can't help himself. Cotts should of said post match that Rover's won't get out the division playing tippy tappy football but he wouldn't do that as he has class, he's not a disrespectful ****. They could still finish below Cheltenham ffs. What a gift.
  2. Rover's ex player scores for Shrews. 1-0 already.
  3. Talking of bottles, he still needs to collect his 'Champagne Moment of the season' award.
  4. As it can be quickly dismantled, it probably qualifies as a temporary structure. If so, it's basically still a marquee, just with a tinpot roof.
  5. Same as Tanner, made the step up in time so deserving of it and we retain value in the player. We've clearly improved all round on the recruitment and contracts side of things.
  6. It's not as good as the Atyeo or even the late Williams. Corrugated roof no doubt.
  7. Ah the old 'treat em mean, keep em keen' trick eh? Hope you both enjoy your day.
  8. Haaland. More goals than healthy hair follicles, and that's saying something.
  9. Likewise. Nige does like a bit of versatility. Worth noting he's said previously we play the formation, style to make best of the players available to him. He'd be comfortable in a midfield 3 or 4. Does NP expand on the current setup or tweak it with the relevant signings? JB left midfield with Pring behind putting balls into the box for Conway/Cornick/Wells sounds good to me.
  10. So, get a brand new stadium, double your attendances, sign half a new squad and that's the recipe for promotion. Geni-arse.
  11. Imagine Warnock running your local newsagents, it'd never be open!
  12. He's got a good strike rate considering the variety of ways he's been played whilst here. Certainly more to his game than goals as we all know. Well done Andi.
  13. Love those kknd of goals. Delicious cross lapped up by TC.
  14. Mentioned this to the Mrs tonight and she replied, perhaps it's a hormonal thing when on their period, apparently your joints become more supple when pregnant. I think I've seen stuff before about ACL injuries and a woman's menstrual cycle being linked. Bad news for England and gutting for her. Mead also.
  15. Exactly. All managers have their moments, this guy does it nearly every week regardless.
  16. He really is an absolutely clueless moron, re Derby and Wed... “As soon as they get to the Championship, they’re coming back down because it’s not good enough. Or they’re going to have to rip it up. You can’t bully people in the Champ. They’re only successful because they’ve stockpiled better players.”
  17. Group A Argentina, Uzbekistan, Guatemala, New Zealand Group B USA, Ecuador, Fiji, Slovakia Group C Senegal, Japan, Israel, Colombia Group D Italy, Brazil, Nigeria, Dominican Republic Group E Uruguay, Iraq, England, Tunisia Group F France, Korea Republic, The Gambia, Honduras
  18. It all just comes back to the same issue, they want a free stadium with a huge lease so the annual rent is as cheap as possible. Practically free in other words, they don't have a pot to piss in. Which investors are happy to wait 50-100 years for a return on their investment. They could build anything else you would expect on a site like that and make a profit almost instantly. It's not even a pipe dream, it's just pie in the sky. I see the Pyongyang Post continue to big it up regardless.
  19. Had this one in my head for a few days now since hearing it...
  20. What a great footy word. Used more than you realise. Loving Low and Fowler!
  21. No "footballing lessons" given last night then. Back to blaming the officials again.
  22. I used the Bank of England website, came in at £4800. No idea if it's accurate but would assume so.
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