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Ron W

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Everything posted by Ron W

  1. Sorry Spudski, you must be talking about a different Nigel Pearson to the one in this video. Also in regards Lee Johnson more generally - what is the secret that Mark Robins, Mark Warburton, Scott Parker, Marco Silva have been told that he hasn't? Why can they manage sustained spells of success when he enjoyed good spells alongside long losing streaks (on both counts coincidentally much like Johnson Snr, who was managing long before the era of "wokeness"). Are they all secret members of Extinction Rebellion? I agree with you LJ did a decent enough job for us by and large but I don't understand your defence of him in particular in the current era - when as far as I'm aware every manager has a dressing room full of modern-day players to deal with as well.
  2. Ron W


    I totally agree. The club has made strides forward in social engagement or whatever, and fine that's important but it's only one part of the bigger picture. It shouldn't come at the expense of authenticity, knowing the club and the fanbase, which has been lacking ever since he left. Sadly, Jon Lansdown is a massive fan of American sports and our output seems to have been built around that mindset.
  3. Ron W


    Times have changed - I did most of the 2012/13 season and Adam Baker didn't tell me to change my commentary style once - although some might say that would've been a good thing.
  4. Well, we got one who's 'been there and done it', gave him peanuts to spend, and...
  5. I think you might have some things to sort out if a question about Ofcom regulations triggers such strong anger about gender identity.
  6. Ron W

    Club shop

    I've not been in the coffee shop recently but not long before the pandemic it seemed pretty busy at lunchtimes - could the same be said for the City shop if it was twice as big? Maybe they have misjudged it, but will they be able to sell stock in sufficient quantity for more niche items? I don't know. I don't think you can compare us to Fenway Park either. Much as I'd like to think so, I don't think many Americans make sure they stop off at the famous Ashton Gate on their tours of Europe.
  7. Ron W


    Yeah, very odd response. We read between the lines far too often but... You can't not read between the lines a bit on that.
  8. Ron W


    Has anyone considered it could be nothing to do with the manager? Heard a few rumours the food vouchers from the 2013/14 season tickets have finally arrived.
  9. Ron W


    Oh come on, if it worked out that well they wouldn't have sacked him. Woodgate was doing a really bad job there with a team which had finished 5th and 7th the two previous years.
  10. Ron W


    Something's clearly not right, but given what we heard from Coppell further down the line, the mess the club has been in at various points since (even directly after promotion in 2015) and assuming this is true, maybe 'proven' managers aren't the issue here.
  11. Ron W


    Didn't exactly work out at Middlesbrough did it? More importantly if NP does leave, get someone in for the long term, which Warnock certainly is not.
  12. Ron W


    I wouldn't for one minute want to suggest NP would make this up and I really mean that, but it is curious that's happened twice in 11 years if it is true.
  13. Ron W


    Not necessarily. Ashton used to get wheeled out on occasion when the chips were down to try to do some bridge building (with mixed success...). It could be something with NP, but equally it could not.
  14. Ron W


    Not unheard of if SL or someone feels compelled to face the media but would certainly be unusual for a press call to essentially announce a sacking.
  15. There's no issue with anyone who prefers the old Soccer Saturday line-up but the way you're talking about it, do you think they all sat around reciting Shakespeare before last season?
  16. Ron W

    Gregor going

    I'd be surprised. Plenty of journalists have poor relations with managers. As Fevs said, his new arrival probably plays a big part. Hopefully whoever follows is as keen to embrace the social media age as GMG, remember some of the Twitter rants at fans we used to see regularly from Stocky?
  17. Pearson definitely shouldn't go, the tune he's getting out of the players we have isn't a bad one. That said, it's difficult to blame anyone in the post-match emotions for not feeling the same way. We've not won in 16 home games, seven of those this season with fans back, and we've lost the lead in injury time of three. If I could still get to AG every week I'd be pretty pissed off.
  18. You’ll never please everyone. People will always moan, but luckily God invented the ignore button.
  19. Why's everyone kicking off? Howard Wilkinson is doing a great job up there. That Kevin Phillips looks a real player.
  20. Saying 'but he could've been better' while totally ignoring that he could have been a lot worse isn't much of an argument. We've all got our frustrations at not getting PL football in 20 years but you come across like someone with a real axe to grind.
  21. Ron W


    Worried when he came on, Smith had been going up with Baker a lot so looked like he’d carry on but didn’t for whatever reason. Pring looked decent going forward and not bad defensively either. The one defence I’d give to JD is that there weren’t exactly many options crying out for the ball when he did bring it down the left.
  22. Still remember November 2014 very closely but at the point of just putting them now. It’s beyond a joke and no club deserves that belter in charge.
  23. I totally agree but would add part of that is human nature. Some of the vitriol LJ had as a player and manager was nothing to do with his ability, and still hasn't been forgotten with some fans. Naturally that puts some people on the defensive, not to say being balanced wouldn't be a better alternative, but you end up defending some out-there accusations instead of mounting your own criticisms in some cases.
  24. Yeah, I’m sure Tammy Abraham and Bobby Reid are gutted they ever played for him. There’s plenty of rational reasons to have gripes with LJ as a manager, is it too much to ask to not make up new ones?
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