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Posts posted by EastendRising

  1. 3 hours ago, Bow Legged Chicken said:

    First one out was a middle aged bloke who climbed on some infrastructure in the concourse at halftime and started a bit of a singsong. Vindictive leading steward was determined to get him. Bit OTT but fair enough he probably broke some ground regulation, and was clearly a leading actor. Then they came back for a couple of his mates, probably to prove that resistance is futile. Where it got really silly is when they forcibly ejected two young girls, and also a man who tried to help them in the final minutes of the game. Whatever they had done it wasn’t a matter of national security and if it was a serious offence it could have been dealt with after the game. We are 100’ up in the air with a long series of staircases to negotiate on the way down. Police could intervene then if there was a really good reason to do so. Genuinely shocked to hear these girls were cuffed behind backs. What threat were they? Perhaps Avon & Somerset not so bad as we think…

    At least two of the police on the stairway removing the two girls. Are  avon and somerset police. 

    • Hmmm 2
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