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BS3 Ark at Ee

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Everything posted by BS3 Ark at Ee

  1. Maybe our new Away kit will be Green then? ???
  2. From those pictures I think their claims that their new temporary stand will be of similar size to the Atyeo Stand could be wrong!
  3. Wish our chairman/owner felt the same about Pearson as King Fox and the majority of Leicester fans do!
  4. Think a large percentage of our fan base could turn against The Lansdowns after the last few weeks. But I genuinely think Steve will continue his plan regardless of what us fans think! After all “It’s his Club and he’ll do what he wants!” ?
  5. Bristol’s a hot bed for great artists....surely a local band/singer could produce an anthem for us..... anyone know anyone?
  6. As much as I hate the Gas, having an anthem brings a closeness in a fan base. Been on a few stag dos with Gas lads and as soon as they pipe up about “Irene” they all join in and people who don’t know us take notice
  7. It’ll end up our fault somehow!.....some jealous Ted will be to blame....?
  8. What does Jonny boy actually do to earn the title “Chairman?” Anyone know if he has ever invested any money into the club?
  9. My biggest gripe is the “talk of top six finish”, get 15,000 fans to buy up season tickets, memberships etc, sell Scott then decide to let us all know that none of the £25m will be invested in strengthening the squad!.....cheers Steve ?
  10. Funny how Steve Lansdown waited until nearly 15,000 people bought season tickets, sold Alex Scott and then decided to basically tell us all the money wouldn’t be reinvested! ?
  11. BS3 Ark at Ee


    Do a Rovers and just build it whilst we wait for planning permission etc.....simple! ???
  12. Bristol City have become a club that’s boring and has no character. Listening to the Birmingham fans earlier, they had real passion and togetherness....we’ve got nothing!..... no song that unites us...nothing! Back in the day we at least were known for having a bit of a firm and a bit identity....unfortunately we’ve got nothing now
  13. Social media blooper.....joining a sinking ship!.... ????
  14. They just love to pluck random figures out the sky and claim it as fact,
  15. It’s the same for every club. So if their average attendance is 8,500 then we can claim they get about 5,500 that actually attend then ?
  16. One of their posters claims we’ve stagnated in the championship and only get crowds of 12-15,000 these days ?? That’s odd considering we’ve got just shy of 15,000 season ticket holders! ??
  17. I’ve had similar from a South London based mate of mine
  18. They feel the need to increase capacity yet with only 3 stands available they still have tickets remaining for their first home game of the season ?? So basically bigger away followings are gonna be the way way to increase their average home crowds!
  19. We were never particularly loud when our fans were housed in the Atyeo stand. Coventry fans are one of the most impressive home crowds(at the Ricoh) that I’ve witnessed lately. Sunderland and Stoke were both very quiet aswell
  20. Our club just play music and drown the crowd out! It’s not hard to play a catchy song, get the crowd going then fade the music and let the crowd sing/belt out the chorus!... our club just play everything as loud as they can and think it’s atmosphere ?
  21. We need a song....a real good song to get our fans going! Wurzels just isn’t good to belt out. I watched Sheffield Wednesday last night....what an atmosphere when the teams came out to “Hi Ho silver lining”...Even Brentford get the whole crowd going with “Hey Jude”.....
  22. Everyone’s cup final now!
  23. I thought Cam Pring was pretty poor today, I think he’s a great player but today he looked off it and sluggish. Also Surprised Cornick started and it just didn’t flow, especially down the channels. Scott seemed like a massive loss today, no one took control of the midfield and conducted the play....all too static. Onto next week.....
  24. Fair play on the new owner, fair play on the Braille but the biggest question?.... whys Joey B not in Jail?
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