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Mike Stone

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Everything posted by Mike Stone

  1. Mike Stone


    Oh god you've seen right through me, we always take a six year old along with us when we want a good punch up.
  2. Mike Stone


    That's a no then
  3. Mike Stone


    You didn't answer my question
  4. Mike Stone


    Out of interest what would you of done if you stumbled across our predicament back that day. Helped some fellow City supporters out or let us get a good kicking.
  5. Mike Stone


    4 of us and a 6 year old boy were walking back to our car at Wallsall 89ish (league game 2-0 win) We got to a petrol station with a pub opposite when Wallsall fans came out of the pub across the road and started throwing bottles and punches at us. Our mate took his son into the garage and there were some blows traded in the road. Our situation was not a good one untill over the brow of the hill came a large group of city fans. Then the colour drained from the Wallsall fans faces and they started to retreat back into the pub, fortunately for us quite a few didnt get back to safety. Looking back that was probably a day I rubbed shoulders and was saved by the CSF! Thanks for your help lads
  6. Mike Stone


    Hardly cowardly if it's two groups of like minded individuals having a square up. These blokes arnt wondering down the street kicking lumps out of just anyone it's generally pre organised and I'd imagine takes some bottle if your in to that sort of thing. Cowardly is someone sitting behind a key board giving it the big I am!
  7. York away 1988 Drove my Escort pop up with my old mate Scooter from Avening. Stopped at some services to see an ice cream van full of Millwall going to Grimsby. Ralph Milne curled one in late on (still say it was a cross)to keep the play off dream alive and my old man gave me a proper rollocking the next day because for some reason I had left the spare wheel by the side of the shed. RIP Scooter
  8. Very noticeable today how very few people left before the end of the game today
  9. People probably don't say this very often after their side get a draw at home but today I was well chuffed walking away from the ground. Yes we hung on a bit but dear god didn't those lads battle hard for it Tremendous support from the stands, just how it used to be and good substitutions from big Nige, especially William's. Things are happening, it will take a while but we are finally going in the right direction. Well done everyone today, see you all in South East London.
  10. Mike Stone


    Fraustrates me every game, gets in some good positions but couldnt cross a road. The times he hits that first defender, oh well good night
  11. If your referring to the 25 options in a restaurant comment , then my answer is yes it would bother me as I think people should be given a choice. I have to say that isn't the case at FGR though, let's face facts here the whole vegan thing is rammed down people throats via the menu and the advertising boards.
  12. 90 minutes of knowing how many pigs , chickens and fish have been killed while I'm trying to watch the football.
  13. If they dont tell people what to eat why is there no meat options available . Admirable about the academy shame they are taking root down by the motorway.
  14. Head for the Britannia Turn into the street where the bus station is and keep going for about 400 yds
  15. A vile chairman who is moving a football club away from its community. Telling people how green he is and then expecting people to travel to JCT 13 of the M5 to watch their team play. The same chairman who says he wears what clothing he wants and nobody will tell him any different but expects people to eat the food he tells them to eat, bloody hypocrite. Forest Green Rovers just a marketing tool for Ecotricity and Stale Mince. Yes your right I dont like him.
  16. I will just have to hand my ten pound note over the bar in the ground then. Oh, hang on a minute
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