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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. " ...............Can I interest you in my liver, it's very tender, I've been force feeding myself for weeks ".
  2. Secret vid of the post match rant by LM .
  3. Question, how can you tell who's who these days ? At least in the 60's and 70's we all had scarves !
  4. I hate the arty farty ads that do their best not to tell you what the **** the're advertising !
  5. Never a better time for girls/women (late 60's, early 70's) they all looked bloody lovely.
  6. But, I would have lost a fiver, I put a ton on City losing yesterday, that was because it was "do able" , didn't want to win the bet, but hey ho.............but the relegation thing won't happen .
  7. Well that's patently untrue or you wouldn't be posting on here .
  8. wow , you heard it here first !
  9. Well, I wouldn't take that bet at 200's .
  10. You possibly don't understand the parlance of betting terms, maybe.......you have to be careful using the word "on", it's more common to use the word "about", avoids miss-understanding, is all I'm saying .
  11. !50 to one against NOT 150 to one on !
  12. No we're ****** not, just like we were never in the top six race, too many clubs below/above us .
  13. More things to worry about than another competition !
  14. Maybe Tinnion could take over for the Swans gam e ?
  15. Oh, come on H, fairs fair .......... our first team ARE playing like our under eights !
  16. The first time we'd beaten them in yonks !
  17. Gerry Sharpe, last minute ?
  18. As a dyed in the wool Labour voter , I would vote for anyone bar him ! He's a nasty little self serving shithouse ! In fact Lee Anderson could have been talking about him and NOT Khan !
  19. He's just in it for the brow envelopes !
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