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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. true, but strange things happen............Lords today ?
  2. Good start for us, but there's always some bugger gets runs 130 odd for five at tea. Would you enforce follow on,( I always would ) ?
  3. I suppose 26-28000 is close enough to 40k for them !
  4. Not only their fans deluded. just had a look at their twitter on the game, words like .........BRILLIANT,AMAZING,WONDERFUL abound on the write up ! Oh, Brum's goal was "knocked in from close range " !
  5. That's enough of that bolshy talk, Wilson !
  6. As of near lunch they are making heavy weather of it............looks like another draw
  7. great first post .....................*** !
  8. **** me Glos score over 500 dec !
  9. And that was a few years ago.......won't be any cheaper now .
  10. Glos Rd lefties/Rose ain't the only problem ,********.........................there's a little thing called CASH ?
  11. No.................I'm not worried in the slightest !
  12. Be fair, Mem's got a sliding roof........................................in the WIND !
  13. Oh dear, according to facebook Sags lost 3-1 to mighty Slimbridge tonight !
  14. My god, reading that ,it DOES sound like a non-league club trying to rally the troops to do work around the place for **** all !
  15. "the difficulty that supporters have getting to the Mem. " ( from fans forum ) You're telling me !
  16. Oh............someone else's fault AGAIN ?
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