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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. Bad egg ? Because he saw you for the obnoxious ***** that you are ?
  2. No way am I a rugby fan, but perusing the England squad for the World Cup, I found it unsurprising that every Prem team (even Newcastle) has a representative , except ONE.......can you guess which one ?
  3. I remember going to Twickers in the 60's.............totally different then, just three big old Archibald Leech double decker stands and an open end !
  4. Not going to argue, but I've seen it written in papers concerning signings with the single "E".
  5. Which will come first,the end of their contracts, or the end of the club ?
  6. Sounds like the Wizard of Oz shouting..........."Ignore that man behind the curtain" !
  7. There I was thinking it was a photo of Hollowhead with his arms folded !
  8. Obviously never saw Jack Russell in his pomp, many times you couldn't tell whether the batsman had been stumped or bowled .
  9. It was stated at the time 23k ......................not too shabby for non-league .
  10. Yes, I would if I were you...........you know what they say !
  11. Oh dear, showing themselves up on national radio , and typically, instead of ridiculing the ****** our local rag blows smoke up his arse !
  12. It's not even journalism is it, it's just re-active hackery. Any proper journalist would be off his fat arse and get down there to see what exactly is the problem..................unless they know it's a total waste of time trying to get any truth out of those shite hawks !
  13. They'll still take 8k for "home" games !
  14. Why have you always got to be so bloody negative !
  15. Sorry, why post that? It's not even remotely clever, let alone funny .
  16. The poor sod obviously thinks Thickear and LK are like for like !
  17. Ironic, Sags star player quits for nix (to, god knows where ).................our not so, star player subject of a multi-million bid from Prem runners up . MIND THE GAP !
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