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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. can't wait for walking wounded to get up to speed........snooze you lose 1
  2. Don't let THEM read this........ Bristol Rovers earned an away point for the second time in five days as they drew 1-1 at fellow League One strugglers Oldham.
  3. Yes but............THIRTY YEARS out of date ?
  4. It has been done before.......... reminded me of an early 60's kids ITV sci-fi serial that I loved. The seventh episode of Pathfinders to Venus (The Valley of Monsters) was used in an academic study of children's attitudes to television viewing. The experiments included showing several on-screen mistakes which were explained at the end of the episode by onscreen-rolling captions: The mistakes in this episode which you may have noticed are not accidental. They are part of a research project into children's perceptions which the Department of Education of Cambridge University is carrying out in co-operation with the Drama Department of A.B.C. Television.
  5. As 20pence pointed out to Hamer, SL didn't take long !
  6. Fourthly............pathological Liars !
  7. 7531 AND decreasing ............how much is THAT they've lost on the day ?
  8. Have you been raiding Dopey's hard drive ?
  9. Yes, a psychologist would have a field day with his twitching and face rubbing..........that sort of thing shows something to hide or outright lying !
  10. Do the world a favour, you two, don't have kids !
  11. Just listened to 20pence. Reminded me of the "snowman" in the Simpsons Monorail episode ! He said he wasn't a politician, I think he's missing a trick..spoke for about 45 mins.and said **** ALL !
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