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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. "believed to have finally moved a step closer." Poor journalism. Surely should read....Finally got the go-ahead, or Moved one step closer. You can't FINALLY move one step closer !
  2. Cost them 60 k apiece, unheard of in those days !
  3. Remember him scoring a hat trick at the Gate in a 3-3 draw circa 66/7 ! (as did Albert McCann in another 3-3er at home...Gibbo's worst ever game for the City)
  4. AND.........we're STILL worlds better than you !
  5. Ok ,own up. Which one of you is "Tote End Tony" in the EP letters. Brilliant piss-take of a gapper. 45 k at Wembley, 50k seat UWE, priceless...and the EP have been well and truely fished in !
  6. Behind the Franchise moaner in pecking order, says it all! BTW who will his "how did that lot down the road get on" team be.....Guisley ?
  7. Probably invented by City fans as a slur. Taken on by blue few as a nick-name......ring any bells ?
  8. Miah, I see (according to EP) one of your Leg-ends was injured in an RTA over the weekend. You will have watched him, as I did. My point is ,where does the EP get off calling "LEGEND" on any hobbledehoy who happens to pull on a jesters shirt for a couple of games? I refer of course to the world renowned.... Christian McLean ! (wish him quick recovery BTW )
  9. Sam, this deserves a LIKE all of its own !
  10. I usually buy it, BUT made a conscious descision not to for AT LEAST a week, till the **** fest has subsided !
  11. I love these ***** that come on here and get irate because we take the piss !
  12. er... why t f are you on here anyway?
  13. He weren't all that at cat burglary either !
  14. As a matter of interest, why did you choose your user name? He was one of the most pathetic "footballers" in your club's history.....and the list is NOT a short one .
  15. You HAD to make me play it, didn't you !
  16. The travellers are getting up a petition to have the gas moved ,as it lowers the tone of the place !
  17. Fits beautifully.... Lookout kid, they keep it all hid, Don't know when, BUT THEY'RE DOING IT AGAIN !
  18. THAT should be their anthem...... Subterranean Homesick BLUES !
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