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Everything posted by slartibartfast

  1. ER... we're in the Championship, or cab't you look that far up ?
  2. It's Henbury Gas in drag ! 40k HA HA HA HA NO, Comical Ali, that was us....oops Dad, I've bought the wrong ****** club !
  3. I hope RED is a lucky Jordanian Colour !
  4. It's the return of Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Titch tha I worry about ! (we've started with Titch )
  5. They better ****** not, I live near there !
  6. What are you on about, that NEVER happened.......much !
  7. Always assuming the builders haven't filled in THAT tunnel !
  8. **** taking the Tote, small beer. Saino's and Wonga take the Mem !
  9. Only on the wind up, mate. I know it was never taken, just like we NEVER lost to William ! at Senlac Hill, your boys saw them right off !
  10. Ah, a face to a name, meet St Andrews Gas !
  11. All that's happening is some dick-head gapper comes here and tries to rewrite history. A few of us are just telling what actually happened with FIRST HAND accounts, as opposed. to his made up, obviously wasn't there, versions !
  12. Doesn't have to be proved, We KNOW it and more importantly they KNOW it (those around in them days ) !
  13. I remember Oxford diving out over the EE/Dolman big red gates. Amazing what you CAN do when you're totally bricking it !
  14. Yes , no one is saying they were wimps back then, but what invariably "won" it for the City was sheer weight of numbers !
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