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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Spurs fan and agent, sensible and itk with a lot of things. Not news as such, but if something was happening with Tottenham, he’d probably know.
  2. Oxford are almost us in L1, if they weren't selling all their best players constantly, they could be in the league above!
  3. Nonsense. That came from a Cardiff twitter account who had previously tracked a plane from Rennes, convinced it was a signing and it was actually a band playing in Cardiff.
  4. 6ft4, big fella needed as well.
  5. James Piercy is/was the boss of Andy, Gregor, and most recently Rich. They all work on the same 'team' for the Post sports section and they probably have most of the same contacts - agents. James has been around long enough to possibly have built relationships with sources inside the club, but we'll never know that.
  6. I’ve wondered what his Botswana projects are? I see Mrs L always retweeting safari stuff, so I guess they have interest/own a hotel over there but what else? Also, what is Jon up to in the Caribbean?!
  7. DaSilva offered a deal in January and Kalas recently, waiting on responses. Nige thinks play offs possible next season, otherwise he wouldn’t bother being here.
  8. He shook hands with Nige quite warmly when he was subbed on. Have they been at the same club before?
  9. Kasper is 36, past it?! He has the same agent as Eliasson!
  10. Lots of Wilson conclusions are being jumped into on this thread, it could be totally the opposite. He had a fairly serious injury and one that will have to be managed for the rest of his career. He could have any kind of knock from training, heck he could have food poisoning and too weak to play.
  11. Anyone ever won a hospitality or any other draw items?
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