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Posts posted by ManCunian56

  1. 57 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


    OK A) At no point did I say Man City have low crowds, although I did point out in one season in the 90s they averaged 22K.  The context was Man City fans thinking we "never get 20k usually". Since the ground has been rebuilt to allow this, that figure has been exceeded on a fair few occasions.  BCFC does OK for a Championship club.

    B) Criticising oil producers is "racist" is it? They aren't all in the Middle East, so don't talk bollocks. 

    C) It's a despotic state, no ifs or buts, and one that funds some very dodgy causes and has some very unpleasant laws. 

    D) The rest of your post is what I've said here and I don't dispute it.

    I'm getting rather bored with people selectively reading what I've written. Still the array of Bristolian arsekissers like "2015" on here must warm the, er, cockles of every Sky Blue heart. 

    a) 90s they averaged 22K Yeah because the Kippax Stand was being rebuilt and that was the capacity of the ground Strange because it holds the crowd record for outside Wembley 84,569 v Stoke City probably because of he years of mismanagement under Swales I would criticise any club's crowd attendances The only point I would make is that when a PL club plays at a ground its a sell out yet the following game its back to normal that must disappoint you 
    Bristol should have a PL club the city and region is big enough to support it and hopefully one day City will put that right I've been interested in the  "project" for awhile and now the right manager is in place I hope he stays and gets the club into the PL I know that Pep  has a lot of respect for him and that was evident on Tuesday 
    b) No criticism of oil producers by me, my point was the term "dirty oil money" is a disguised racist term for an Arab we see it all the time 
    c) Yes it is a despotic state in the literal meaning 

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  2. 20 minutes ago, underover said:

    there’s nothing like a bit of casual anti-semitism to make your point is there! 

    The phenomenon of sportswashing is well now well studied and easily definable, there exist plenty of academic articles on the matter many of which are open access and publicly available. It is simply a fact and has been well before there was actually terminology to describe it, it is a decades old phenomenon. 

    I’m also not sure that saying that the UK and UAE have agreements and diplomatic relations really makes the point you think either, obviously they do, the UK has continuously had agreements and diplomatic relations with states that are to the general public morally dubious or unacceptable. The UK has also done things which to the general public are both of those things. 

    I’m sorry that you feel so insecure about the whole issue that you feel the need to a) be anti-Semitic about it in general and b) come and argue the point on the forum of a championship club to presumably try and assuage some of the cognitive dissonance you surely feel.  It’s not your fault as an individual fan but honestly, that’s part of the broader phenomenon of sportswashing, which I promise you is a much more nuanced thing than many will have you believe or bother to try to understand. 


    Seems to be ok to be anti-Arab with all the racist terms branded about, about City's owner "dirty oil money" etc 
    I didn't "come and argue the point on the forum of a championship club" I responded to an wholly inaccurate post about my club 
    There's no need for you to be sorry about what you perceive to be my insecurity about the whole issue as I can assure you that I'm not insecure about anything and I have feel "zero cognitive dissonance"
    So, an Arab gentleman buys a football club this is labelled "sportswashing"  what type of washing is the Arab nation doing entering into trade deals with the  UK Government?

    • Confused 1
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  3. On 01/03/2023 at 09:34, Red-Robbo said:


    Ironic for a team whose fanbase contains quite a number if non-Mancunians -and indeed a number sat watching them on telly in Beijing. 

    I think they've also forgotten how low their crowds were sometimes, before an influx of filthy oil money from a despotic state propelled them to where they are now.

    Still, northerners are not exactly famed for being humble...

    In the third tier of English football Manchester City sold out Maine Road, <>30K I hardly think that those are low crowds 
    "filthy oil money" Why is oil money filthy? Clearly a racist term 
    "despotic state" Literally yes it is a despot state run by a ruler with absolute power but there is a system of government in the UAE with an executive committee 
    Manchester City's fanbase at core is very much Mancunian but, a decade of success has attracted fans from around the globe, also influenced by the number of international players, this season Haaland has attracted even more. The PL is an international league and is watched around the world it's only natural that clubs have non-local fans They are all Manchester City fans regardless and just as dedicated as local fans 

  4. On 28/02/2023 at 23:35, WolfOfWestStreet said:

    Everyone banging on about how we lost to "the best team in the world", a club who are alleged to have broken over a hundred incidents of FF ... they pay to win, and win they do.

    Mad how teams accept them as opponents and virtually suck them off as some kind of football messiahs when they look like to me like the tory party of the football world. 

    The damage this club has done to the heritage of English Football may be irreparable. I ******* hate everything about them. 

    If anyone has anything positive to say about Manchester City Football Club then I'd love to hear it.


    So Sheikh Mansour bought a company that was close to bankruptcy and invested his own money to turn it around, in any industry this would be lauded. The business has been totally transformed and turned what was one of the most deprived areas of the country into a desirable place to live Built an incredible training complex on the site of a former chemical factory, the land had to be cleaned before the building could start. Part of the complex is a 6th Form college funded by City Football Group and a world class institute for health and fitness MHIP, over a two hundred new full time jobs have been created Now, a new arena in partnership with the Co-operative and  Oakview is being built on the Etihad Campus which will again create more jobs with the intention is to turn the campus into a world class entertainment and destination venue, this week the club announced outline plans for an extension of the North Stand to increase the capacity of the stadium to 61k along with a museum, new store and hotel this will also incorporate a covered City Square to accommodate 3k fans replacing the current one.
    So, all the time we hear about "dirty oil money" yet oil is a commodity that we couldn't live without, not just as fuel but as a vital component of materials used in most products so nothing dirty about it. Lets look at FFP which City failed just after its introduction and a fine and punishment were paid.  Then the hacked emails were published by Der Spiegel and UEFA on the basis of these charged City,  the case was taken to CAS and three independent judges found no case to answer. Even so City were fined £10k for non cooperation the reason for it, City were unhappy about the leaks of a confidential process by UEFA, was accepted by CAS but, as City admitted to it the fine was imposed but substantially reduced from £30k to 10k. There is misinformation about City "getting off on a technicality" misleading as one of the charges was timed barred by UEFA's own rules and CAS was critical of them not knowing them. City did produce evidence to counter the charge but CAS was unable to rule due to the time barring. Now lets deal with the >150 charges of the PL difficult as little detail has been published but it is huge accusation to make that a company its accountants and auditors have "fiddled the books" for 19years!  If proven, it could lead to criminal proceeding being brought against the City board, just checked for yourself and see if you think that the calibre of people who hold the positions on the board would risk their reputation. So, why has the PL brought the accusations of breaking financial rules (NOT FFP BTW) ? Can only speculate but, there is a clear division amongst the clubs with a large percentage of US owners who would move the PL stop promotion and relegation, stop the sharing of Tv money and look to play games abroad something that City are against. You mention the independent regulator,  City are amongst the few who favour the independent regulator. I leave you to make your own conclusions Ultimately the charges with either be quietly dropped or the commission will keep them out. Finally, Id like to address the reasons behind FFP, before City came along there was a cosy cartels of clubs "the big four" who season in season out were playing in the UCL a huge money spinner then "little old" City came along and upset this cosy arrangement so, to stop it happening again  FFP was introduced, supposedly to regulate clubs to stop overspending, which i might suggested stopped the likes of Bury, Macclesfield etc going bust NO because it is flawed it allows debt and mismanagement, its there to stop your club, for example, ever challenging, the changes made recently will prevent it even more as its impossible to invest your own money to become successful and therefore increase revenue like City have done. City are self-sustaining with sponsors (<20% Abu Dhabi) prize money and Tv revenue as the most successful club in the last decade,  this is inevitable.  Just remember when Ferguson was splashing the cash there was no restrictions, he broke the transfer records 10 times 8 more than City. The Moores family invested in an ailing LFC, stuck in second division obscurity to turn them around using dirty pools money, no restrictions Abramovic likewise at Chelsea etc  

    "If anyone has anything positive to say about Manchester City Football Club then I'd love to hear i hear it"
    Created jobs, regenerated a deprived area of Manchester, continue to lease the stadium so that the money goes to Manchester, if it was bought it would go to Sport England, of which £1M is ring-fenced for sport. In a partnership with the council built 100s of new homes in the area Manchester  was chosen for Etihad's European call centre creating local jobs Sheikh Mansour  though Manchester City FC has done more for Manchester than any Government in the last 50 years 
    For football broken the cosy cartel running the PL just check which clubs would have won the PL if City hadn't been about 

    The damage this club has done to the heritage of English Football may be irreparable. I ******* hate everything about them. 
    This is absolute nonsense Like most football clubs, City have a rich history going back to 1894, suffered with 25 years of mismanagement under the Swales era, to suggest we are responsible for damage is frankly laughable  One of the oldest and most successful community programs for example
    Would be interested to know what you mean though 

    Sorry for the above, I came on the thread to see what your guys thought and in the main pretty good, the ref was poor and i don't see him favouring us one bit :)

    Congratulations it was a great game to watch and it takes two, always liked Nigel and I hope City keep hold of him, got a good team with some very good players Would be good for use to buy Alex Scott and loan him back for next season

    See you in the PL soon unless the Yanks have their way

    State Sponsored?
    The club is owned by City Football Group which is in turned 81% owned as a private investment by HH Sheikh Mansour and 19"% by Silverlake an US tech investment group It is not state sponsored ot owned as such 

    Sport's Washing?
    What does this mean? If it is of any value then, surely even an idiot could see that it actually achieves the very opposite from what its perceived objective is. In fact it exists only in the bitter minds of fools in the media with an agenda.
    It’s is evident that Arab money, or Arabs, are hated for some reason consequently their involvement in a football club is deemed “sport's washing” by the propaganda machines of the zionist media owners.  Abu Dhabi as part of the UAE has signed a memorandum of understanding with the UK to invest upwards of £10B in the UK. Regarded as allies and long term trading partners with investment in UK companies such as Barclays Bank which benefited from support during the last financial crisis saving them from bankruptcy.

    What is this "washing"?


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