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Posts posted by Searles

  1. 22 minutes ago, RedRoss said:

    My main reason I believe this 'may' be true is because @Bcfcshags said he heard it was done. He's been bang on in the past on match days knowing the match day team before its been released so he clearly knows someone. Since this BP have also confirmed our interest. If it doesn't happen I'm not going to mad at this poster as all they said was they heard it was done and passed it on.

    However if it is done, we are likely just waiting for Fulham to release their retained list as he's still their player or waiting for Joe to come back from a holiday..

    Ok thanks.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    I think a couple of people have every reason to have a good idea (rather than pretend they are ITK) they know based on their source(s).

    I also don’t believe there is anything wrong with stating “heard it’s done” if that is what you’ve heard, it’s up for that poster to decide the validity of the person they heard it from.  That’s not claiming to be ITK, that’s just passing on info.  The vitriol to those posters is way OTT.

    It’s no different to you now taking the opposing view from a random post on a Facebook site.

    In all of this there are a few of things…

    - do you trust the person who told you

    - do you wanna put it on OTIB

    - would that compromise the source in any way

    I imagine there are a number of posters on here who know lots of stuff, but don’t put it on here.

    That’s very different to what you’re implying, which is that it’s all bullshit.

    I’m not saying it’s bullshit, I have no idea, but there are people on here hinting at things when they have no idea. 

    • Flames 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Jimbo123 said:

    I'm still holding out hope it's done, will wait for anything official to suggest otherwise.

    Based on what mate?

    Well people have been saying for weeks they’ve ‘heard’ it’s done, or pretending they are in the know when in reality they have no idea. I have no idea if he signs or not and have no idea what’s going on, why do so many people pretend to be ITK.

    • Like 1
  4. 44 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

    He's not fast, but I wouldn't say he has no pace.



    So? Weakness maybe, but not one that will prevent him being a very good player. I don't pay much attention to things like that personally. I don't think it affects his game all that much.

    Examples? People say it, I rarely see it.

    What does that mean?

    He's played left back, left wing back, and left midfield this year hasn't he?


    His crossing is poor, but he can "cross a ball". It can be coached and improved.


    I'm obviously not saying he has no weaknesses, but you're being ridiculous so I am a bit in response. Not everything is this black and white. He's a good player.

    Just because he has performed in different positions doesn’t mean he did it well. Stuart Peace once stuck David James upfront, doesn’t mean he offers much.

    One good cross in how many years? Dynamism = Pring, Bryan etc.

  5. 22 hours ago, IAmNick said:

    Jay has a lot of excellent attributes - among the best in our squad in some cases I think. He also has some weaknesses, and areas of his game that can be improved. That's why he's a Championship player!

    You can't question his attitude though. If he combine that with finding a team who will take advantage of his qualities then he'll do very well - and I hope he does as I like him a lot. That's not the direction we're heading in as a team, and I'm glad we're letting go good players who don't fit our ethos/strategy now, rather than holding on to them "just in case".

    People saying he's "terrible" at some things - give it a rest. As I said, he's a Championship player with strengths and weaknesses and has done consistently pretty well for us as a club on the pitch. Good luck to him, I think Coventry will be a decent fit, and if it is they've got themselves a good and tidy player who I reckon could do easily a job in the top half of the table.

    Excellent attributes

    - good with the ball at his feet

    - rarely gives possession away


    - No pace

    - Cant beat a man

    - small

    - targeted by opposition teams

    - lack of dynamism 

    - can only play in 1 position

    - cant cross a ball

    Comapred to his loan spell his time with us has been a disappointment. 

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

    Yep, both Dasilva and Palmer on wages that no longer support their squad status.

    In Kasey’s case, we took a short term hit financially to move him on.

    In Jay’s case, he wanted more than we were willing to offer.  Showed a good attitude here despite knowing he was off, and I very much expect Cov have offered more than we were going to in terms of both term and wages.

    Fair play to both.

    Zero chance we would offer him a 4 year deal.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Jimbo123 said:

    Given NP supposedly didn’t like Palmer’s attitude he’s not done too badly making the PO final now with two different clubs both without parachute payments.

    He’s done very well. Sat on the bench and watched his teammates perform.

  8. 53 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

    I’d imagine because it was a genuine attempt for the ball and it didn’t impact the player. The Barnsley man got there first and touched it, but his touch (not influenced by Gregory) had already taken it away when the contact came and he wasn’t in a position to get the ball second phase. 

    That one was the right decision.

    So by that theory Ben Thatcher was wrong to concede a foul with his elbow on Mendes. I hope this is just your interpretation and not the proper law because if it is then it’s beyond a joke.

  9. 2 minutes ago, 1960maaan said:

    Wont be the same teams though. Whichever one goes up I doubt they will have many players from today starting first game next year. They might do a Burnley and keep most of them, but more likely they build a whole new team.

    Not convinced but will see.

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