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Everything posted by Jose

  1. I honestly think Norwich are one of the poorer teams to reach the play offs in recent times. A real bang average team which should give teams like us hope going into next season.
  2. Any idea where I can find this if I knew someone who happened to have a fire stick?
  3. Replace disingenuous with absolute bullshit.
  4. It is painfully awkward how clueless you are. One managing in a division lower as one of the biggest spenders the other completely cutting back but still having us competitive in a higher division. I don’t know why I’m bothering. You are on a wind up or just that stupid it’s not even worth debating with you.
  5. Comparing Tinnion and Pearson as managers. Yep I was right. You haven’t got a clue. One a failed manager and a player who spent most of his career in league one compared to one with promotions and who played a part in a team winning the Premier League. Un*******believable. Oh it took all of two seconds to find out how much of a failure he was. If memory wasn’t enough.
  6. Listen to your comments after sacking Pearson and now 11th is classed as progress. The bloke is an absolute moron.
  7. That’s how you keep the momentum after getting promoted from League One. Unfortunately we have Lansdown at the helm who royally ****** up our chance to push on.
  8. Let’s be honest that was pathetic by Conway. To think all the ones we didn’t get during that run and we get that
  9. Absolutely gutting. Football can be sooo cruel.
  10. I thought in real time he was off so didn’t get carried away when it went. What a moment to just be taken away. The thought of getting to the premier league and dealing with that gets less appealing by the week.
  11. BBC says so. Can’t beat being part of a massive support like that.
  12. That’s how you finish Sykes.
  13. Great finish and great scenes amongst that amazing travelling support.
  14. Who knows how he is going to return. Robert’s has the shirt for now that’s for sure. @Mr Popodopolous For some reason I’ve got it in my head we won’t see him again.
  15. Got forward to good effect too. I do wonder if Manning will persist with a back three next season with Vyner, Dickie and Roberts.
  16. Exactly what I was saying about performances over results at the moment. I’d rather see that today than a repeat off last week and winning 1-0. Encouraging.
  17. Twice we should have beat them this season. Been awful in both games. Another example of not having to be world beaters to trouble the top 6. Good performance but poor in front of goal.
  18. The standard of officiating is beyond a joke.
  19. Any reason their new shiny stand is empty this evening?
  20. I thought there were a couple of times where we were dispossessed in own half and luckily got a free kick from minimal if any contact.
  21. You’ve said reactionary? Perhaps he’s had that opinion for a while and three positive results may not have changed his mind. So in fact you have “ reacted “ after three decent performances. For the record I don’t care enough either way. Do I think he is good enough? No. Do I think his football is any good? No. Do I think the idiots above are more of a problem? Absolutely.
  22. Can’t wait for more of the same next season.
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