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Everything posted by Jose

  1. Silly by Bairstow but scummy from Australia. They really are unlikeable *******. As stated above hopefully we actually start acting like it’s the ashes rather than a friendly hit about.
  2. After all the talk they did before this series they are starting to look very silly.
  3. That low? I expected Australia to get a lead of over 400 so the fact we have a shout is making me think there’s a chance. 120-6 by end of play?
  4. I mean we have a chance.
  5. Seems crazy really. And pretty pointless.
  6. Pathetic…….but it is bazball so it is fine.
  7. Yep you’re right. We should be buzzing to just chuck our wickets away on a flat pitch.
  8. EGO Ponting nailed it on the head.
  9. Let them run out of steam. Duck under it. Kick on again. Isn’t rocket science. I get being positive but don’t be ******* stupid. look at the crap he’s bowling.
  10. Decent response this morning. Think we may struggle this afternoon though.
  11. Nahki Wells comes across as real good character to have around the place. Always smiling. Complete opposite to what he’s like on the pitch. Be interesting to see Ayman develops this season.
  12. Let’s hope it’s bullshit. Which by the sounds off the posters history it could well be.
  13. They are two completely different players so I’d be surprised if this was them moving on to Knight instead.
  14. Agree fully. And even in the last year of his contract 2million could be a good investment. Easy to say when it’s not my money I know but he will only get better.
  15. This isn’t a replacement for Scott. If he goes I’d imagine we’d get another positive playing midfielder in.
  16. Shame we don’t have a manager at the same calibre.
  17. What a test match. Be careful not to leak to many run’s trying to get wickets .
  18. We were well short in that second innings. The pitch is offering nothing. Plenty got in and didn’t push on. That’s cost us unfortunately.
  19. We need to take every chance. That’s one missed already.
  20. I expected rave reviews on their site after comments on here. But more reserved than I thought they’d be. One comment saying 2m might even be enough. I know next to nothing about him so can’t comment really.
  21. I suggest reading it again. Nowhere does it say Alex Scott isn’t a good player.
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