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Bow Legged Chicken

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Posts posted by Bow Legged Chicken

  1. 1 hour ago, RedM said:

    Yes no coins or vapes. Last time it was power packs too. They did ask me if I had a power pack (I did)

    I smuggled some coins in. The search failed to discover my cunning concealment. Perhaps that was the crime those young girls were guilty of…

    • Haha 1
  2. 1 hour ago, RedM said:

    Dunno. But it was an experience being one of only 2 City fans in the next carriage along. Luckily a lot of good natured banter from the Sunderland fans and Geordies! Must have been a good half hour or more delay

    We haven’t got a metro and we’ll stop yours as well!

    Who pulled the cord, was it Marvin Rees or Dan Norris?

    • Haha 1
  3. As for the stewards, whose wages we are paying to stand in the way of our view and basically do nothing (and that’s the good ones who are not looking for an excuse to throw their weight about): why couldn’t a couple of them be issued with a bin bag and litter picker and be sent out at halftime to reduce the swail of litter vortexing around the pitch?

  4. 46 minutes ago, The Original OTIB said:

    What was their " crime"?

    First one out was a middle aged bloke who climbed on some infrastructure in the concourse at halftime and started a bit of a singsong. Vindictive leading steward was determined to get him. Bit OTT but fair enough he probably broke some ground regulation, and was clearly a leading actor. Then they came back for a couple of his mates, probably to prove that resistance is futile. Where it got really silly is when they forcibly ejected two young girls, and also a man who tried to help them in the final minutes of the game. Whatever they had done it wasn’t a matter of national security and if it was a serious offence it could have been dealt with after the game. We are 100’ up in the air with a long series of staircases to negotiate on the way down. Police could intervene then if there was a really good reason to do so. Genuinely shocked to hear these girls were cuffed behind backs. What threat were they? Perhaps Avon & Somerset not so bad as we think…

    • Like 3
  5. Condensed version.

    Stick or twist.

    Atrueredblue thinks twist, as they are getting old and have less to lose if we bust.

    I’m risk averse, waiting for stars to allign.

    In the meantime, can we use AI to script managerial comments? Less time wasted for all concerned.

  6. Just now, Bow Legged Chicken said:

    One of those pubs was probably The New Derby, where a Sunderland fan spat in my pint in 1977 (and they’d won!) My mate stood up and put his jacket on “we might get our heads kicked in, but I don’t want to lose my leather jacket.” A gang of Sunderland walks over, here we go I thought. “Wos the marrer wi your marrer? Pardon. Turned out he wanted to know what had upset my mate. Like you said, free drinks all night.

    Got up here a day early to avoid train strike, so went to find the place. Smaller than I remember. Or just less packed. First time I heard the “They’ve found Lord Lucan!” joke. (Playing Centre Forward for Sunderland/whoever.)

  7. 8 minutes ago, Sir Colby-Tit said:

    I went with a couple of mates and we decided to stay in a cheap hotel.

    Got so pissed before the game it's all a bit of a blur.

    I went for a pee during the first half and somehow managed to re-enter the seating from the concourse into the wrong section. Took my seat, wearing my City shirt, and quickly realised I was surrounded by not very happy Sunderland fans. Luckily for me a copper spotted me and escorted me back to the away fans section before any shoeings were dished out. Got some applause from the City fans for my efforts.

    After the game we went to find a pub and were just about to walk into one when a friendly mackem lass advised us that if we entered that particular pub it wouldn't end well. She kindly escorted us to another pub, full of Sunderland fans, where we were brought drinks all night.

    One of those pubs was probably The New Derby, where a Sunderland fan spat in my pint in 1977 (and they’d won!) My mate stood up and put his jacket on “we might get our heads kicked in, but I don’t want to lose my leather jacket.” A gang of Sunderland walks over, here we go I thought. “Wos the marrer wi your marrer? Pardon. Turned out he wanted to know what had upset my mate. Like you said, free drinks all night.

    • Like 1
  8. For fans of classic pub interiors, The Dunn Cow (next to Sunderland Empire) is a must visit, although on Thursday all their ales were a bit hoppy/hazy/citrusy for my taste. For a more traditional Sunderland pint, they have Double Maxim in The Peacock up the road. If you have time for a stroll across the city centre, there is Black Sheep at the Barge and Barrel on Burdon Road, close to the (towering) war memorial.

  9. For fans of classic pub interiors, The Dunn Cow (next to Sunderland Empire) is a must visit, although when I visited on Thursday all their ales were a bit hoppy/hazy/citrusy for my taste. For a more traditional Sunderland pint they have Double Maxim in the Peacock down the road. If you’ve got time to walk access the city centre, I found some Black Sheep in a craft union place on Burden Street, near the (towering) war memorial. 

    • Thanks 1
  10. The fan’s museum just after you walk over the bridge is worth visiting. It’s a bit of a shrine to Roker Park, but situated in a neo-classical former railway station that some might say is more grand than our ground. (And definitely more classy than gas ground.) Looks like you can drink beer there on a match day.

    • Like 1
  11. On 20/02/2024 at 12:12, Eddie Notgetinya said:

    Surely we could go unique and local with massive attacks unfinished symphony. If they cranked this up and faded it out right on kick off the lyrics would really suit and would sound awesome IMO with everyone signing it.

    I know that I've imagined love before
    And how it could be with you
    Really hurt me, baby, really cut me, baby
    How can you have a day without a night?
    You're the book that I have opened
    And now I've got to know much more


    Not many of us have the vocal range for that one! Need to recruit a choir!

  12. 2 hours ago, redsontour said:

    I was going to post about this yesterday but thought not..however, as someone else has..WTF is it about people parking on red zones, dumb places, and grass, all risking ticketing, when there are 3500 free parking spaces 50 meters away? You are creating bloody mayhem, because you prevent people filtering, you prevent buses accessing/exiting properly, and it makes no sense? There was somebody yesterday who actually parked blocking the exit of the car park…can anyone explain why??

    He did that at a previous game and I left a note on his (presuming his) windscreen to give a one word explanation of what I thought of his parking choice, but it rained and will have been a soggy mess by the time he returned.

  13. Preston rival our claim to Wallace and Grommet (statues outside market.) Anyone know how this is justified? Not on account of accent, Peter Sallis (born Twickenham) is usually credited with a West Yorkshire accent, not Lancs, and Aardman obvs Bristol. Perhaps one of our celebrated incognito street artists should get up here with some paint and put them in the correct colours (or alternatively, yarn bomb…)

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