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Here we go.....again

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Posts posted by Here we go.....again

  1. 20 hours ago, Lord Northski said:

    Brexit was sold as an opportunity to sell to the world and to take control of our borders, Oh and some other nationalist bollox, to pump the nads of the knuckle draggers. As a result, a majority of voters got what they wished for, evidently without the intelligence to realise what they already had, or work out the risks of jumping feet first, and gambling the farm on a spin of a coin which was sold by charlatans. All without thinking whether such a move could potentially fall flat on it's arse, making us look like an international basket case, and demonstrate to the world that a majority of the British adult population were thick is pig shit.

    With this in mind. One would like to think that those heralding the arrival of a new Messiah will do so conscious that, it's mathematically likely their judgement on new untested shiny things is flawed, based on recent history As such, they may prudently decide it's probably best to leave such decisions to those who've evidently demonstrated their competence in financial matters for decades. 

    So, probably best to ask yourself "Did I vote for Brexit?" before you make any further comment. 

    If only the blind could see.

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