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Everything posted by Leabrook

  1. Considering the full squad has some players younger than 21 already and there are a few injuries, that is a very impressive squad
  2. Definitely needed a new thread.
  3. I don’t think he said a pure way. I’d like to think I’d remember that quote as it’s so stupid
  4. I think he was wasn’t he? ‘Top 6 squad’ was bottom half so he was sacked.
  5. Only once has all promoted clubs gone back down since the premier league started. Plenty of teams have competed just fine
  6. Are you calling yourself a tactical genius?!
  7. Was it @Better Red who said he’s not a striker as they score goals? So wise.
  8. Great footballer Good academy organiser Awful manager Abysmal Technical Director Shocking Communicator Anyone who can do an interview to improve the situation, only to make it worse is at best, incompetent
  9. Is there still panic that we will go down and if not why not as surely one win shouldn’t change someone’s view
  10. Similar on Saturday as well. He’s finding a way though and fair play to him
  11. Manning isn’t the man fair enough. But why put someone else who isn’t the man in charge instead? What’s the point?
  12. Agree with you up until your last point. Doesn’t matter where a coach played his football. It matters how good a coach he is. Sadly Manning doesn’t have a clue
  13. If you think Manning is close to getting the sack then you are going to be disappointed!
  14. Sykes on. Didn’t track his man for two goals against Ipswich. Can he be bothered today?
  15. My lad supports city and all his mates were chatting yesterday about ‘you’ ‘us’ etc and it was all about Liverpool, Man City and arsenal. They’ve never been to watch live but have these teams as their teams now for life. I thought how sad that was. Watching this I think it’s probably a sensible choice! Feel sorry for my lad!
  16. Why anyone has bothered to go today is beyond me
  17. Manning will inspire them in this chat now for sure. Will come out like lions.
  18. He would be fine as an 8. Never a 10 in a month of mothering Sundays
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