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Everything posted by cidercity1987

  1. Rovers hanging in there according to Gaschat, about time then that they score a spawny undeserved winner after 3 deflections
  2. Ahhhh, this is as therapeutic as reading Gaschat
  3. FAO all you Bristolians that go to Taunton for your cricket. Do you also go to Bath for your Rugby? Somerset an all. Are you part of the reason why Bristol is so shit at top level sport? And before the North or South of the river gobblegook gets quoted at me, if we followed that in football then Rovers would be significantly bigger than us.
  4. Not only that but by splitting the local support and investment they are actually preventing a Bristolian team being near the top of English football with all the benefits that would bring to our city. They are actually a stain, a total embarrassment, a liability.
  5. Not exactly known for his nimble footed, elusive movement
  6. Just the reminder we needed that QPR are dogshite too
  7. They'll be saying they're bigger than QPR next
  8. Most predictable thing ever that they want Clarke out. Same as they forced Trollope out last time they were midtable League One. The clueless ***** clearly have no clue when the going is as good as it gets for them.
  9. Learnt something new on Gaschat, who knew what WYHHB means? Any guesses what that stands for in Saggy language?
  10. Will it be on TV tomorrow? I know Sky will also be showing the ladies finals day so maybe not?
  11. The worse Worcs bowl the more likely they will get a wicket, piss poor from our batters
  12. What's Eisa done wrong then? Naff all in the way of game changers on the bench.
  13. Even at this stage the table is shaping up very predictably. The only outliers are Bolton WTF are they doing up there and Stoke.
  14. If you consider where the promotion team are playing now, compared to where Freeman is shows how truly overrated he was. Even our sub full back and CM out on loan are in the Premier League.
  15. And that's a consideration against bottom of the league for what reason? Looks like Eisa will struggle for starts this season sadly.
  16. Awful, might as well give up on the 4 day game in Bristol. Don't think they have ever been promoted since the 2 divisions started.
  17. Johnson knew 6 months he needed strength and steel. He has only managed to make sense even more powderpuff. Bizarre beyond belief why we need 10 players who do the same job before the striker.
  18. Very poor show from Glos to throw away a home tie in the last 2 games. Meanwhile the inequality continues of playing only 14 games instead of 16. Is it so hard to play the last 2 to make it even? City don't play 44 games do they!
  19. Number 4 most read story on the BBC website at the moment. In a few days of a massive bridge collapse, a terrorist attack in London and Stokes' trial. They have never been so famous.
  20. One of the best sporting days of my life that was, what a comeback from the Glos!
  21. So they only took 800 fans to their first ever visit to the Reebok and first to Bolton for 30 years? How tinpot
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