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Everything posted by frenchred

  1. I appreciate your positivity also comes across on the pod, however it does appear that since the sacking of Nige your opinions have gone all pro club and no criticism is warranted, it's a very strange move
  2. O Leary is dismal! Was never good enough for this level and never will be
  3. I reckon he does, he knows it and is trying to wriggle out if it! :laugh:
  4. This is from June 08th you realise mate?
  5. Massive over reaction from those on TV and in getting the game restarted
  6. Thats a helluva pair of rose tinters you must have
  7. In my opinion he has been the signing of the season, so reliable
  8. The irony that he got something wrong while you spell his name like that!
  9. It's probably a difficult task trying to balance it all out, couldn't really go without littler, he's single handily put darts on front and back pages of papers! Agree about Noppert though
  10. frenchred


    Standing down at end of season, now if cotts does well .....................
  11. Still struggling to see how Peter Wright got in this!
  12. Hopefully another legion can take on the task because I wouldn't trust the yanks to hit it!
  13. Your next sentence should be: Be careful what you wish for! People like you are part of the reason this club has not progressed
  14. frenchred


    They couldn't wait or the rats would have multiplied
  15. I get that but it hasn't hindered other clubs getting investment really has it? Why do we need bigger when we only sell out for "glamour" cup ties against prem teams when tickets are around a third/quarter of full prices Normally there are 4-5000 empty seats (more if you count actual attendance) at matches, we ain't selling them on a regular basis anytime soon! Of course if the promised land beckoned anytime soon it may be different but can't really see that and in any case other teams get by with smaller grounds
  16. Well let's hope for lots more mate, I can't see it myself but here's to hoping!
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