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Everything posted by frenchred

  1. No, not just you, but radio bris have now ticked that BBC box
  2. And he's pissing off the locals with what he's doing there!
  3. He's sharpening up his PowerPoint presentation as we debate
  4. Yep, the Fuhrer has pulled up the drawbridge all while making us pretty unsaleable!
  5. Change the bloody record it's boring now, and while your at it try and change our owner as well
  6. And won't get a pay off if he walks is another!
  7. Top 10! Im seriously struggling to see 3 worse teams! Rotherham ............,,
  8. It's his toy and he'll play with it how he wants
  9. Very true, probs not the best comparison, but don't forget they were somewhat in the doldrums before foreign investment
  10. Its not the norm any more because most of them failed to deliver success! As per lansdown
  11. The idiom does not seem appropriate For every bad one there's a good one as well Some people are afraid of change BCFC was here before Lansdown and will be here a long time after him
  12. Ipswich, Millwall and Plymouth, at our level (at the moment) Fulham, Bournmouth and Villa above us but not huge clubs Wrexham way below us All have foreign ownership and look to be soundly run Don't be frightened of change, it has as much chance or working for us as against us
  13. Weird Do you not think that if he was good enough he would be given a chance here? One thing they no one ( not even me!) Can criticize is the chances our youths are given!
  14. Plenty of good foreign owners still exist. We are no further forward on the pitch (where it matters) compared to when he arrived! Keep sniveling up to him, it's what he likes
  15. Good, cause his son is useless
  16. Was this the last time he spoke to the fans Time for the bloke to sale up and move on
  17. Helenius now returned abnormal findings on test taken BEFORE AJ fight! So replaced a Drug cheat with a drug cheat! Boxing, especially the heavyweights is turning into a farce!
  18. Wouldn't worry me in the slightest On average I miss 4 to 5 games every season as do all my mates I go with, those tickets are always given away to family/friends so it doesn't bother us
  19. Here's mr negative! I actually quite enjoyed that game, certainly more than the home "performances" If Hull would have taken their chances they would have won, if we had taken out chances we would have won! If it was a boxing match I think we would have shaded it on points Some good performances (Wells, Sykes, Pring, Knight, Cornick for me) some not so, that's football I suppose, now transfer those away performances to home and we would all enjoy it more COYR!
  20. Fair! Your having a laugh mate It's an absolute rip off, not everyone can have a season ticket (logistics, cost circumstance) if us season ticket holders pay 24-26 a game roughly surely £30 is enough. Just pure greed
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