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Everything posted by Henry

  1. You’ve had a mare today, you sound like @Robbored.
  2. Absolutely. I think the players deserve a lot of credit. Players like DaSilva and Vyner were out the door last season. They took it on the chin and worked hard to get back on the bus. I don’t think Wells was off the bus, but many players of his experience would be sulking in the stands somewhere. Gutted for him that he didn’t get his hat trick today.
  3. Henry

    Alex Scott

    Unless his leg is hanging off, he needs to start every game in the centre of midfield. The kid has it all and is going right to the very top.
  4. @IAmNick where are ya?! Anyone got a video of the goal?
  5. Absolutely. I hoped everyone enjoyed their pizzas tonight.
  6. I like it too. For the first time in years, there’s not a single player in the squad I’d like to get rid of. Upgrade yes, but they’re all on the bus for me
  7. That bloke has no source and is simply guessing to make out he has a source.
  8. If you had to, probably Weinman. That’s how good we are in attack.
  9. Seen the goal. Awful first touch, definitely not prem standard ?
  10. They do a lovely cider and cocaine cocktail so I hear.
  11. Henry

    Joe Williams

    And chucked it away again!
  12. Henry

    Joe Williams

    Did worry me after those spate of tackles. He seemed to go down for a little bit as if he over did it. People Talk about needing a tough tackling midfielder. If you look at all the clips from his previous clubs, that’s the player he is but I think he’s holding back a bit due to all his injuries.
  13. I think having two seasons training with the 1st team has really helped him get used to being kicked around. Under previous regimes, he’d just be building up his L1 loan.
  14. Balanced squad but let’s add a 3rd LWB on top money?!
  15. If we can play that trio with Scott in midfield for most of the season, it’ll be fun to watch.
  16. Because currently he is being paid nothing to not play football.
  17. @Harry are you still working with the club?
  18. When we play Saturday-Tuesday-Saturday and people call it’s three games in a week. It’s not, it’s three games in 8 days. When we play Saturday then the following Saturday, no one says we’ve got two games this week!
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